
Woodinville, WA Real Estate News

Along the Sammamish River Trail is the main downtown park in Woodinville, WA officially known as the Wilmont Gateway Park. We call it "woofie" for short, as it is one of Ziggy's favorites (lots of squirrels in a small off the trail section to the south). While there is much to see and do at the park, (shown on the signpost) the very active biking and hiking trail running through the park along the Sammamish River dominates. A definite highlight that continues to delight every time we see it, is the wooden sculpture shown in two still photos, but more effectively revealed in the short 1 minute video below. Enjoy.
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A big thank you to Leilani Souza for sending a tip on another unique and interesting fact of life in Woodinville WA.   Maybe it was our local wine culture that was the deciding factor in locating the sole US distributor for Lacanche ranges here in Woodinville.  Whatever the reason, once you've seen these French-made ranges it's easy to picture yourself cooking up a storm on one. Lacanche is the name of the manufacturer, the ranges and the beautiful town in Burgundy where they were developed over the last 200 years.  Originally established as an iron works in the 18th century, the company began making coal-fired stoves, progressed to gas ranges and then perfected their product into the work of art that is the Lacanche range. Not only beautiful to look at, standard features include solid ...
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
Have you wondered what has been done and what will be done to Avondale Road? The group People for A Better Avondale Road have been working with King County to get Avondale road improved - both from a safety perspective and a noise perspective.  Here is the latest update from their website: We have been informed by the County that grinding on the test segmentof Avondale, south of 151st Street, is expected to take place by March 2010. The panel repairs and replacement on that segment were completed last fall, but grinding was postponed when a new grinding contractor needed to be secured.  The grinding contract is expected to be advertised on December 17th and the bids will open January 5th.  The County estimates that it will take 2 possibly 3 months from the opening of the bids to startin...
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Favorite Parks in the Woodinville WA Area . . . Cottage Lake (one of Woodinville's best kept secrets) . . . Mary and I can be found just about any day at one of the great parks in the Woodinville WA area. While there are many wonderful parks around Woodinville, some have just the right combination of features to keep us as regular visitors.  The park we visit most often is Cottage Lake. Once a logging operation, then resort, Cottage Lake Park now offers over 20 acres of recreational opportunities as part of the King County Parks Program. Cottage Lake provides access to swimming in the lake and also has a swimming pool facility, with a water slide.   Small watercraft, without engines, are allowed on Cottage Lake.  Throughout the park are numerous picnic tables and barbeques, and a covere...
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The Christmas Ship Festival in the Seattle area is a great holiday tradition going back 60 years. Last night Nina generously invited Mary and me to join her aboard the Argosy's lead ship Spirit of Seattle to cruise Lake Washington. During the cruise we were treated to the wonderful caroling of the Pacific Sound Chorus. This cruise is an experience you'll always remember. There were special activities with Santa just for children, as well as the young at heart. The Spirit of Seattle took off from the pier in Kirkland, just a short drive from Woodinville. Our ship took the lead in creating a convoy of smaller boats. The joyous two hour cruise glided through the calm moonlit water, pausing twice to serenade people on shore gathered around bonfires. FranksList rates this as a definite 5 sta...
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Home Buyer Tax Credit Summary As Nina and I work with our Seattle area clients, the extended home buyer tax credit needs to be evaluated as a possible means of assisting our clients as they make a purchase. Let’s take a few minutes and review the basic elements of the new extended home buyer tax credit programs for first time home buyers as well as folks who have lived in their current home 5 out of the last 8 years. Before we get started, we would like to thank for the creation of the graphics and video below, and their encouragement for us to share their work with our friends and clients. The program is outlined below, which can also be seen as a short video at the end of this summary:                     The home buyer tax credit is extended until April 30th 2010...
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White House Request for Job Creation Advice . . . With the understanding that real estate recovery is tied to job recovery, we've been given the opportunity by the White House to collect advice on how to create more jobs. Please feel free to comment on any of the questions below, either here or in an email directly to me and I'll pass the information gathered on to the White House. From what you have seen, or seen reported about the President's Jobs Forum on December 3rd, what seems relevant to your community? What parts of your local economy are working or thriving? What businesses and sectors are expanding and hiring? What parts of your local economy are not working or thriving? What businesses and sectors have been hit the hardest? What are people struggling with the most? What are t...
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By Teresa K. Nelson, Your Trusted Real Estate Advisor
Mark Friday night Dec 4th on your Calendar.   As part of our community outreach at Windermere, our office is sponsoring a night with Santa to benefit the Forgotten Childrens Fund and the Maltby Food Bank. Please join us for FREE pictures with Santa, and enjoy Christmas goodies and drink. FRIDAY Dec 4 from 5:30 - 8:30 13901 NE 175th St, Woodinville (Just 2 blocks East of Molbaks Nursery) Bring a can of food or a donation for the kids, and please - Feel free to pass along the invitation to your friends and neighbors! For More details call me! Your Friend in Real Estate Teresa K. Nelson Windermere Real Estate/SBA, Inc. 206-571-3645    
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By Frank Kliewer
Code vs. Home Inspection First of all I want to thank Jim Bushart for getting me thinking about code vs. home inspections with his writing. As a field code inspector and then as a supervising code inspector for many years I'll give you a bit more from the code inspector's viewpoint: Code inspectors deal with significant life safety issues during the permitted construction of new and remodeled homes, trying to get as much compliance as possible. Many items that a code inspector looks at will never be seen by the home inspector, simply because these items will be covered up during the construction process. The main stages of code inspection start before the foundation is poured to check for depth of footings, reinforcing steel, all that will be covered by concrete. The same is true of the...
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By Frank Kliewer
                          What a bountiful treasure chest is opened each and every morning by just being alive. We have so much to be thankful for living in a country full of freedoms and opportunities. Just by helping each other enjoy those treasures we all become richer for the experience. Try to assist at least one person each day in the enjoyment of the treasures of life, and we will all become wealthier in the things that really matter.
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 If you have not been there yet, you need to check out the display at Molbak's before Dec. 23rd.  The beauty is amazing . . .                  Many different colors and shapes . . .                    Vibrant hues . . .                                And an amazing tree to enjoy . . .    Click on the picture below for a video tour of the displays . . .   Happy Holidays from Frank and Nina
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Woodinville Real Estate Fall Colors.         One reality that continues to amaze me, as I work in real estate in the Woodinville area, is the lack of awareness of fall colors around Puget Sound. A number of friends have expressed disbelief that we have a colorful season. A foreign architect working on one of my real estate projects, insisted that the pictures he had seen of fall in Washington State must have been photo-shopped or otherwise faked. Perhaps this lack of knowledge is due to the typical focus on our dominant evergreen woodland, leading to an inability to see the trees for the forest.             Whatever the reason, the distinct seasons are a rich part of the Pacific Northwest's vibrant beauty, and fall is a favorite of mine that makes living here very rewarding. So before i...
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
Have you wanted to make a change and move into a home that has that special something that you don't have now?  Maybe you need more bedrooms for a growing family, more space for a hobby, your own home office, a bigger yard for your pet, a place to garden, maybe you need more light and less trees, more privacy for your BBQs, you want a different style of home, or perhaps you need a mother-in-law suite for a family member who is moving in with you soon.  Think of all the possibilities. The timing couldn't be better-there are plenty of move-up homes to select from right now, prices have rolled back to what they were in 2006, interest rates are at historic lows and now there is a credit for move-up buyers who enter into a contract to purchase homes priced $800,000 or less by April 30, 2010...
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
                  Wow - A Gregerson Custom home in the 1984 Street of Dreams Neighborhood - Brookside Country Club! This is a home where you can really spread out with 4 bedrooms and a den on one end of the home and a bonus room on the other.  You will love the open feel of the lot with a large side yard and views even larger since this community doesn't allow perimeter fences.  (Feels like a golf course without the price). Click here for a full photo gallery Your Guide to Woodinville Real Estate, Neighborhoods & Community!by Michelle
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
    Are you curious about the road work on Avondale?  The committee for A Better Avondale has been hard at work over the last year meeting with DOT and county executives to get the road improved and the county to address the road noise (read more @  So what are they doing? King County Department of Transportation has begun the work on a test patch between NE 144th and NE 151st St.  They are currently working on the northbound lane (causing a temporary shut down of the lane) and will begin work on the southbound lane approximately next Wednesday.  The work on each lane involves removing damaged panels, digging down about one foot, adding new foundation material (gravel), compacting the gravel, then testing for proper compaction, before doing a "hot pour" to re-p...
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By Teresa K. Nelson, Your Trusted Real Estate Advisor
I have FOUR listing appointments this week... What does that mean? WE'RE BAAACK!!!  With homes around the Woodinville, Kirkland, Bothell and surrounding areas selling at record highs, sellers are beginning to see what we have been telling them for the last few months...It's not only a good time to buy - but a great time to sell! In my office our sales rose 250% for August 09 compared to August 08.  AWESOME! Interest rates still hovering around the 5% mark? AWESOME! First Time Homebuyers Tax Credit still available? AWESOME! Thinking of buying or selling? Visit me on my website Teresa Nelson Realtor John L. Scott Real Estate 206-571-3645    
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
Here are the rates on the first day of the quarter for the last 30 years and then the first day of the month for the last 13 months.  Sometimes you need to see the change to know how good we have it.  by Michelle BlueYour Guide To Woodinville Real Estate, Community & Neighborhoods!
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
  When: Thursday, September 17th, 6pm-8pmWhere: Wellington Elementary School Gymnasium The City of Woodinville has scheduled a community meeting to get your input on the Woodinville-Duvall roadway section alternatives for this project. At this meeting you will learn about the design schedule, have the opportunity to discuss the sections considered, and express your input.  The meeting is an open house - so drop in when you can to ensure that your voice is heard. For more information, contact Assistant Public Works Director Clinton Moyer, at 425.489.2700.  By Michelle BlueYour Guide to Woodinville Real Estate, Community, &
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
The vote has been counted and the results are close for the Northshore School District Director District #1 position. Incumbent: Sue Buske 4,319 or 34% Challenger: Julia Lacey 3,864 or 31% With only a 455 vote difference - every vote really counts.  Do you know who you will vote for in November? Take the time to learn about the candidates. Julia Lacey  Website, King County Election Pamphlet, NSEA Recommendation, Sue Buske Website, King County Election Pamphlet We will post more information on this site in the future - so stay tuned and be informed. By Michelle BlueYour Guide To Woodinville Real Estate, Community, & Neighborhoods!
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
Congratulations to the Woodinville businesses included in the September/October Issue of 425 Best of Poll! Purple Cafe' & Wine Bar (multiple locations)Winner: Best Wine Selection Red Robin (multiple locations)Winner: Best BurgerRunner Up: Best Kid Friendly Ruby's Diner (multiple locations)Runner Up: Best Kid Friendly DiStefano WineryWinner: Best Winery DeLille CellarsRunner Up: Best Winery Chateau Ste. MichelleRunner Up: Best WineryRunner Up: Best Picnic Spot Redhook BreweryWinner: Best Brewery The Herb FarmEditor's Pick! DiningRunner Up: Best Place for Anniversaries Starbucks (multiple locations)Winner: Best Coffee Rosa Mundi'sWinner: Best Interior DesignRunner Up: Shopping Best In ShowRunner Up: Best Small BusinessRunner Up: Best Home Decor Costco (multiple locations)Runner Up: Best ...
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