You Can Make A Difference in 15 minutes - A Better Avondale
By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
If you want to get Avondale road resurfaced so you can increase your quality of life, the committee for A Better Avondale would like for you to do the following 3 things that will take all of 15 minutes. 1 If you have not called the CAR (Citizen Action Request) hot line to request maintenance to Avondale, please do so. The number is: 206-296-8100. 2 Keep up to date on the activities related to this grass roots campaign. Subscribe to the Feed Blitz email. Go to and subscribe in the box under the photo on the main page. 3 If you have not written your local government officials on your concern for Avondale, please do so. An email will do, see addresses below. You can even paste all the addresses into a single email and hit "send" once!A few lines is all it takes. He...