Jerry Schraeder (Ebby Halliday Realtors) Real Estate Agent



Jerry Schraeder
location_on Flower Mound, TX — Ebby Halliday Realtors
Get to Know Jerry Schraeder


REALTOR®  ABR®(Accredited Buyer's Representative) NHS(New Home Specialistist) Bachelor of Architecture 8 years in DFW Real Estate Market Real Estate Radio Talk Show Host 20+ years of Marketing Experience Membership in NAR®,TAR®,GLAR Group member of Ebby Award Winning Real Estate Group
Outstanding expertise in Real Estate which includes listing and marketing of pre-owned home by using cross media approches, traditional efforts and non-traditional methods to get the results for the seller at the highest selling price and the fastest closed of the sell. While having a background in Architecture, representing a buyer of a new construction home is a asset to the buyer at all levels. Educated in the stages of relocation of homeowner both into the community and leaving the community is a definite advantage to home buyers and sellers. Trained as a Buyer's Representative allows me to negoiate the terms of a seller or a purchase with the fullest understanding of how to make the deal a WIN, WIN! Specializing in the market areas of Flower Mound, Lewisville, Lantana, Keller, Alliance Coridor,McKinney,Allen, Frisco, and Plano.

Award Winning Real Estate Agent with over 8 years experience in DFW Metroplex area, and with over 20+ years of marketing in consumer sales using traditional media of print,tv,radio and the internet.