Fact: Having pet odors in your home can keep your home from selling. Little known fact: Getting rid of pet odors in your home is easy. We have an indoor beagle named Snoopy and although we bathe him and launder his bedding often, we keep a jar of Fresh Wave crystal gel placed on shelving near
Cats Playing Patty Cake... what they were saying I was entertaining myself listening to music on Youtube, got bored and typed in "cat" and this hilarious video came up. It has been viewed almost 9 million times. I viewed it several times myself.
This post was intended for earlier in the week so it's a little late for much of this event but if you are looking for something to do this evening, there's still plenty left to do and see: Luminaria is San Antonio's annual celebration of art and artists. It's free of charge and showcases all ar
Some people refer to it as being eccentric...
Happy Birthday & Happy Independence Day, Texas! 175 years ago, Texans were in rebellion against Mexican rule. They were involved in a life and death struggle for freedom from Mexico. Even as they fought on the battlefield, they elected representatives from every municipality to attend a constit
ALAMO CAREGIVER TELECONNECTION Are you a caregiver of a veteran? Learn about caregiver services that are available through the Veterans Administration. March 22, 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tele-Learning Sessions: The Veterans Caregiver Support Coordinator will discuss services available through the