
Claremont, NH Real Estate News

By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Baker Home Inspection and Consulting Blog You are always welcome to visit Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Will your in luck then!                              Tomorrow - Sunday the 4th of January 2009, from 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. There is going to be a Wedding 2009 EXPO held in the Upper Valley. At the Rireside Inn and Suites. In West Lebanon, New Hampshire. Registration - at the door will begin at 11:00 A.M. for Brides and Guests Admission - is $2.00 per person Theres going to be lots of fine Wedding Information, Door prizes and Drawings. WOW - theres going to be, not one but Two Grand Prizes, Each of them a $500.00 value. Now what Bride and Goom, can't use an extra Five Hundred Dollars to help with their Wedding. They do say Brides must be present at t...
Comments 9
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Baker Home Inspection and Consulting Blog You are always welcome to visit Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Do you know Cell Phone Companies are Charging You? When you use your cell phone to call 411 for Information. Your cell phone companie could be charging you, any where from $1.00 to $1.75 and sometimes even more to call 411.     Since more than likely you don't carrie a telephone directory with you in your vehicle, the cell phone companies get away with it.                               When you do need to use the 411 Information option, just simply dial 1 800 FREE 411, or 1 800 373-3411; you will not incur any charge. This will also work on your landline home telephone also.   This is kind of information folk's don't mind receiving, help others by pas...
Comments 12
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Baker Home Inspection and Consulting Blog You are always welcome to visit! Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! The question is: Is your Cell Phone and Telemarketers a match for each other? Seen that cell phone numbers went public on six December 2008. Everyone's cell phone numbers are bring released to telemarketing companies,         all over America, and your going to start to receive sales calls... and the kicker to this. Is you're going to be charged for the calls from them. Now look what you, made me do. I lost my place, and have to start all over! WOW Thats going to cost you!                     We have this and that for you. You know that you need this and that!                   To prevent this from happening to you, call the following number using yo...
Comments 10
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Baker Home Inspection and Consulting Blog You are always welcome to visit Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! I'll be adden to this list of fine Attractions to visit in New Hampshire. As I write post's about them I'll add links to the post's on this blog post also. The Fort at No. 4, is located in Charlestown - 603-826-5700 Saunt-Gaudens National Historic Site, is located in Cornish - 603-675-2175 Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum, is located in Warner - 603-456-2600 Hebron Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary, is located in Hebron - July-August 603-744-3516, September-June 603-224-9909 Hood Museum of Art, is located in Hanover - 603-646-2808 Mt. Sunapee Ski Area, is located in Sunapee - 603-763-2356 Dartmouth Winter Carnival, is located in Hanover, and held in mid-February - ...
Comments 9
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Baker Home Inspection and Consulting Blog You are always welcome to visit Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home!   Is Big Foot in New Hampshire? Some folk's would say yes Big Foot is here, I have not seen Big Foot myself as of yet.                                                 It's said that Hollis is not at all alone as a siting spot for Big Foot. In the area around Sandwich. Mount Israel and Sandwich Dome. There has been reports since the early 1940's, and have even been backed up with three foot long footprints like other Big Foot tracks that have been recorded. In mud beside the road. There has been recent reports on file with the State Police all describe a fur covered creature about 8 feet tall. Everyone has agrees when they have made their reports, howe...
Comments 14
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Baker Home Inspection and Consulting Blog You are always welcome to visit                                                   Greetings of the Seasons From Our Home To Yours May the happiness of this special season fill your home with many treasured memories of all your loved ones. As 2008 comes to a end Baker Home Inspection and Consulting is very appreciative to all the friends, clients, and folk's who have helped make our office very successful. We wish you and your family a very happy and healthy holiday season, and look very forward to serving you in 2009. Dale Baker- owner of Baker Home Inspection and Consulting Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom os a Worry- Free Home! I hope you and your family always have a fun and safe day! When buying a home in Sullive County, New Hampshir...
Comments 27
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                      My friend Kent Simpson out in Tucson.  Is the one tagged me, for this here post. Please be sure to click on his photo, and pay a visit to Kent's blog.  He's sure a really good guy, to meet and read some fine blog post's. Thank ya kindly for the tag-gen my friend!! Will lets get this here post a go-en, here's the little ole rules for do-en one of these. Ya have to name one gift you'd like to have for Christmas. It has to be an objest. We all sure want happiness and good will for Christmas. If ya could pick one and only one gift out for yourself- what would it be? Remember- it has to be something you can touch and hold. Now once ya have done this, it's time for ya to name five folk's or even more if ya would like. Send this to them for so they can name the one speci...
Comments 38
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! I wrote this post on Friday night, but it was lost. And did not upload. I a woke Friday mornen to pretty ugly, we had a really bad ice storm came a visiten Thu. night. I a woke around 3:30 A.M., as I do every mornen. It felt a bit cool in the house. So I went out to the liven room to turn up the heat. Went to turn on the liven room light. But it did not come on, so I got the small fleshlight that I keep near by in the liven room. Turned up the thermostat, but the furnace did not fire up. So I took a look at it, everything was fine with it except there was no exectricity getten to it. So I went outside to see if anything was a go-en on out there. Will there was ice every were. No kind of lights on any were at all. Went back ...
Comments 15
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                            Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Being that I'm retired Navy, I could not let this day just go by with out do-en a post of it. Pearl Harbor before the attack On the mornen of Sunday 7 December 1941, more than 200 Japanese aircraft bombed the U.S. Naval base at Pearl Harbor over in Hawaii, Within two hours they had destroyed 188 Aircraft,          sank or damaged eight Battleships,     The USS Arizona seen burning          and killed or wounded more then 3,500 Americans. There was outrage at this surprise attack on us, since Japan had not declared war on America. In fact, diplomatic discussions were still being conducted between us and Japan at the time of the attack. The Japanese attack, even though hugely destructive, did faile...
Comments 25
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                            Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Think back in History. To the 1920's America, you know the Jazz Age: Herbert Hoover was President   Times were very fine for a small number of folk's. There was money burnen holes in the pockets of folk's wanten to be spended and all kinds of luxuries, for folk's to spend it on, like automobiles.      But not all the folk's were do-en well, and a lot of the great wealth in America was in a lot of ways was an illusion. Most folk's were poor, especially the farmers and around 60 percent of folk's lived on less than $2,000 dollars a year. A very good deal of the spenden was built on credit. Many every day folk's borrowed money to buy stock and then used that stock as collateral for their borrowing, ...
Comments 6
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                            Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Noel sure has a came a very long way since olden times Banned by Puritans becauuse it was thought to be just to much fun for folk's. Then transformed by the department store craze, that was born after the Fighten For Southern Independence, Christmas is a Holiday that has changed with the time in surprising way. Even though many European cultures in the Middle Ages did celebrate Christmas with yule logs, but the 12 Days of Christmas and Christmas Trees. The Holiday's transfer to America was as tough as a stale fruitcake. Even though it was a popular Holiday with many of their fellow countrymen. Some of the more strict Christians of the 17th and 18th century thought the celebration flirted with sin...
Comments 12
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                            Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Woory- Free Home! Did I get your heart a go-en with that there title? This year don't buy one of them there tacky Christmas eweaters, and leave them thing that go a jingle in the night to Jolly Old St. Nick. Why not give your very special lady in your life a Holiday gift thats a go-en to ring in the season with a big smile         and not that ho-hum sigh look.           Go a looken for the soft stuff for your stylish fine lady of any age. That there ultimate indulgence is anything in cashmere.You can find a really big variety of fashionable cashmere designs at all price points in boutiques, department stores, and on the net. One of the companies that specializes in cashmere and offers you some unique gift- given ...
Comments 12
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                          Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! About 30 to 35 million Holidat Trees are sold in America every year.                                   For lots of folk's, finden their perfect Christmas Tree is more fun to them. Than the actually decorating of the tree. That is why for many familys, taken the annual trip to a tree farm in their area, is the perfect beginning to their holiday season. Seekers of a fresh Christmas tree are in good company. Seen that 30 to 35 million evergreen trees are sold every year. Did you know theres about 21,000 Christmas Tree growers in the United States. When it comes to familys selecting a tree, beauty is definitely in the eyes of the beholder. Some folk's like the Charlie Brown kind of looken Christmas tre...
Comments 21
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
            Let talk a bit about pet family members and the Holiday Season Even though pets don't really understand the significance and the true meaning of the holiday season, they do like openen packages, also. Some favorite gife ideas for this holiday season include rawhide candy cane bones, may be a new collar and a lead, how about a plush stuffed animal.                              May be your puppy dog or kitty cat would like to be a star in his or her very own holiday photo, they could even get all dressed up in doggy duds or kitty coat. May be add rhinestones to or with their outfit. If your pet is low-key, how about a very simple Christmas t-shirt. Be sure to keep your puppy dog or kitty cat's safety in mind, as you are picken out a gift for them. You'll find that most pet pr...
Comments 14
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                          Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home!   This Thanksgiving Day and all to come, as you are giving thanks for your family, and friends -Please Rember to Give Thanks to Mother Earth. For all she gives us.                               We call upon all those who have lived on this earth, our ancestors and friends, who dreamed the best for future generations, and upon whose lives our lives are built, and with thanksgiving, we call upon them to - Teach us, and show us the way. And lastly, we call upon all that we hold most sacred, the presence and power of Mother Earter, and the Great Spirit of love and truth which flows through all the universe, to be with us to - Teach us, and show us the way.                                   May each and...
Comments 16
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                          Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Buyers remorse is that sinking feelen in the very pit of your stomach that you and your family has made a very terrible mistake. It will usually occur the minute, day, or even the week after your Real Estate Agent has presented your offer to purchase a home or after you have sign the purchase and sale agreement. It can keep you awake at night, maken ya toss and turn in a cold sweat, as you start to think and wonder just how you're going to make that monthly payment and you agonize over your choice. Did I make the right one? A Real Estate Agent friend, once told me. If a first time home buyer ends up with buyers remorse, the only one to blame is the Real Estate Agent. If the buyers Agent has done th...
Comments 15
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                            Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Under the 1974 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, your lender is required, in most cases, within three days of receiven your application, they should either mail or give ya a Truth in Lending statement. This will disclose your annual percentage rate of the loan. In many cases the APR will be higher than the interest rate that was stated in the mortgage or the deed of trust note. Because you see the APR will include all fees and costs that are associated with maken the loan. In addition to the interest and fees, other credit costs will be calculated into the total cost of your loan. The Truth in Lending statement will also disclose other pieces of very useful information, as the finance charge...
Comments 6
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                          Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedon of a Worry- Free Home! Just like haven knowledge when buying a home. Before go-en out hunting with a Muzzleloader Rifle, you want to have knowledge of shooten with one. It's very important to develop yourself a good hunting load for your rifle. A muzzleloader hunter must continually have balance increased velocity with acceptable hunting accuracy. The ideal hunting load should provide you with two benefits. The first would be usen the powder charge the manufacturer's recommendation for maximum energy. Secondly, is really more important, your charge should assure a flatter trajectory than a target load does. The higher velocity provided by a larger hunting powder charges in the first 50 to 75 yards of range flattens the t...
Comments 7
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                            Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Just like haven knowledge when buying a home. Before go-en out hunting with a Muzzleloader Rifle, you want to have knowledge of hunting with one. Very important is to know how to judge distance When you come along a skilled, and successful muzzleloader rifle hunter, you have find yourself a hunter that has taken the time to learn to judge distances. Seen a muzzleloader rifle has a relatively short range, judgen distance is a required skill to learn. If ya are unable to determine if a deer is 75 yards or 200 yards away from ya, your chances of bring-en meet home to your family. Is practically over even before ya pull the trigger of the rifle. One of the very best ways of learning to judge distance...
Comments 5
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
                          Knowledge is Your Power For The Freedom of a Worry- Free Home! Just as haven knowledge when buying a home. Before go-en out hunting with a Muzzleloader Rifle, you want to have knowledge of hunting with one. Lets start out by talk-en a bit about, learn-en the vital areas of a deer To be a skilled hunter with a muzzleloading rifle, ya need to learn to kill a deer with just one shot. For ya to be able to do this, is go-en to require ya to know about two basic elements. The first of these is marksmanship, ya know the knack of just know-en how to shoot. So the ball will hit where you aim your rifle.  The second is knowen the vital areas of the deer's anatomy, so ya know where to aim.  It's the responsibility of each and every hunter to make a clean kill shot. In th...
Comments 6