Senior Citizens Residents of the Town of Claremont New Hampshire
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Senior Citizens Residents of the Town of Claremont New Hampshire Calling all the Town of Claremont Senior Citizens its time to attend the meeting and have an enjoyable time. Senior folks on this day of Friday the Sixth day of June 2014 come attend the meeting of the Congress of Claremont Senior Citizens. The meeting takes place at the Earl M Bourdon Center. Those which might not have ever been to the Earl M Bourdon Center, its proudly located at 67 Maple Avenue in the Town of Claremont, New Hampshire. Folks besides the scheduled meeting there is also an Ice Cream Social scheduled, plus there will be Door Prizes to win. Folks the meeting is scheduled to begin at 1:00 P.M. and this is the last scheduled meet until the meeting to be held in September of this year. Those folks which woul...