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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Home Main Chimney Home Buyers FAQ Across America an New Hampshire, folks place accompany me, to take a look at the exterior area of this home's Main Chimney! Folks for your safety here’s a pair of binoculars for you to use to look, while I go up on the roof to look around and find what is going on up there. The subjects for this part of the Inspection is going to be the main chimney exterior area of the home. The Styles and Materials of our subject. Viewed the roof covering from: Walking the roof. Roof Type: Gable. Roof Age Reported By: Sellers disclosure statement. to be 5 years old. Roof Covering: Asphalt/Fiberglass or Felt Architectural. Number of Roofing Layers: Unable to determine. Drip edge Installed: Yes, Metal Snow Slide. Sky Lights: None. Roof Drainage (Gu...
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Home an a Tree in the Fall Zone Home Buyers FAQ Across America an NH, folks there is a Tree in the Fall Zone, place accompany me to take a look at a Tree in the Fall Zone, which is our subject of this part of the grounds area inspection of the home. You just might be asking yourself, why in the world is he showing us a tree and what in the world is a fall zone? And you just might even be thinking, what’s the big deal about where a tree is in the yard. One reason has to do with, this is just one of the many things a Home Buyers, Home Inspector will be looking for during the Home Inspection. Here’s the reason we are looking and why you should know about any trees in the fall zone of the home. Folks a Tree which has a divided trunks exist within the fall zone of the structure. Th...
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
First Time Home Buyers Flashlights Across America an New Hampshire, folks not only should flashlights be a big part of your home tools, flashlights sure are a whole lot handy-er than a candle and its sure a whole lot safer use if you should have a Power Outage. Its sure a mighty fine idea to have more than just one flashlight in your home. Folks you'll sure want to remember that none of the tools in this here little ole First Time Home Buyers home tools series of blog posts are not going to be a whole lot good or of any use if you cannot visually inspect the situation going on. That there little ole problem and the solution, are apparent only with a good flashlight. A traditional two-battery flashlight is usually sufficient for most situations, as larger flashlights may be too unwield...
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Home Wood Siding Weathering, some folks think about leting their home's wood siding weather. Some folks choose to let there siding weather naturally, expecting it to turn that light gray color they've seen in pictures of houses on Cape Cod. The problem is, most places don't have Cape Cod's salty air to discourage mildew growth, so the unfinished siding ends up uneven in color. Home Wood Siding Weathering, it tends to blacken in areas exposed to high moisture, while protected areas, such as under eaves, remain the original color. Some blackened areas eventually lighten up, but areas exposed to water splash stay dark for a long time. To achieve that gray, weathered appearance quickly while adding some protection, use a bleaching oil. This preparation typically contains bleach as well as ...
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Claremont, New Hampshire Songs in the Air-Sullivan County New Hampshire Discover New Hampshire with Dale Baker, theres going to be songs in the air on Sunday the 25th of July 2010. As part of the Union Church in Claremont, New Hampshire Summer Concert Series, Kinan Azmeh and Dinuk Wijeratne will be perfoeming in a free concert. This internationally acclaimed clarinet and piano duo perform uniquemusic, beyond classical and jazz. The Union Church is located at 133 Old Church Road in Claremont, New Hanpshire For more information about the Union Church Summer Concert Series, call 603-287-1219 or you can click here and visit Summer Concerts Have a good one Dale in New Hampshire Localism blog post 794 - 22 July 2010 Claremont, New Hampshire Proud to live in New Hampshire the Safest State ...
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Sullivan County New Hampshire-Claremont, NH theres going to be a Meet the Cadidatt, on Monday the 19th of July 2010 folks will be able to meet Tim vanBlommesteyn, an Independent Candidate for the New Hampshire 2nd Congressional District. He will discuss his platform and to meet voters. This meet the cadidatt event will take place at the Fisk Free Library, which is located at 108 Broad Street in Claremont, New Hampshire. The meeting will be from 5:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. Folks you need to remember that politicians are elecyed to work for you, and you should conduct an actual job interview asking each cadidatt questions, that will help you to pick the right employee to do the right job for the office they are wanting and running for. New Hampshire the Safest State in America!!! If you...
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Mt. Washington, New Hampshire, a little ole fact about Mt. Washington here in New Hampshire. The average last day for frost on Mt. Washington is the 29th of July. The average first day for frost on Mt. Washington is the 2nd of August. That sure is something!!! What is the average first and last days of frost facts for spots in your area? Baker Home Energy Audit and Commercial Properties InspectionsPO Box 570Charlestown, New Hampshire 03603Office: 603-826-4207Cell: 603-477-8072 Disclaimer: Any of the information herein may come from various sources, some of whichmay not be reliable and may change without any kind of notice. Dale Baker does not guarantee or is in any way responsible for the accuracy of the information in this blog and the information provided is without any...