Heather Hills Farmington Hills Michigan Real Estate
By Bob Jakowinicz, Michigan Real Estate Agent-- MI Real Adventures
(National Realty Centers Livonia--Bob Jakowinicz)
SEARCH FARMINGTON HILLS MICHIGAN HOMES FOR SALE. Welcome to Farmington Hills Michigan Heather Hills Real Estate information page. Heather Hills is located just north of 9 Mile and west of Drake Rd in Farmington Hills Michigan. The legal description for Heather Hills is (Heather Hills, Heather Hills NO 2, Heather Hills NO 3). There are approximately 80 homes in Heather Hills built mostly in the 1960's. This area attends the Farmington School District and is close to many conveniences. If you are looking to buy or sell real estate in Heather Hills you have come to the right place visit www.BobandTeena.com anytime or email us at info@BobandTeena.com no question is too big or small. As you can see Farmington Hills Heather Hills is close to so much from Downtown Farmington to Tw...