I always stress to my Buyers, real estate is different in every state. Don't presume things are done in Georgia the way they are done in ____________-(fill in your state.)If you are a Seller, you've already purchased that home in Georgia so you know about the process. But the question is....Who P
I've been dancing here in the "Rain" since like 2007? In fact, I just went back and found my very first post!I've learned so much from my time here. From blogging and SEO to other parts of my profession, the learning opportunities at and within the Active Rain community have been awesome!But so h
When we work with Buyers, we almost always have an initial Buyer Consultation to talk about the home buying process here in Atlanta. We want to learn what is important to you in your new home. And we want you to understand the steps in the home buying process. If you are searching online for this
Barbara Hobbs has hit the nail on the head with this one! My partner will be out of town for 6 days. While I have much real estate work to do with my website and blogging and page building, I'm going to tackle some of these things!! By: Jamie Wiebe The tip about coffee mugs? We’ve all been ther
Everyone has, or knows, those real estate developers in your community that have mad a mark. They have taken run down malls or areas, and breathed new life into them with new developments. Or they've taken a vibrant area, and made it even more so with the addition of mixed-used development that b
One thing I find so important when buying real estate in Georgia....is it's probably different than where you are moving from!! There can be many different rules, or "customs" as to how real estate is conducted in any part of the country. I know some areas, the listing agent is usually present fo
The New Year is always about just that. New. Whether it's a new job, haircut, gym or those ever dreaded resolutions, The New Year is all about starting. You might be starting over (many companies, including real estate brokerages) roll your number back to ZERO on January 1. Yep, gotta start all o