I've been in real estate for 19 1/2 years (I always know exactly, because I got my license right before my second son was born) and my husband has a couple of years on me. We've taken many a training class, and talked to a great many people about real estate over the years.The best advice we've e
Changes for Fannie Mae owned properties that will help some tenants. I couldn't say it better myself, so I'm re-blogging it. Thanks to Debi Boucher. Renters Now Allowed To Stay In Foreclosed Homes Until now, when the renter's landlord failed to pay the mortgage, and the home was for
We DO get snow in the mountains in Arizona. Honest! Here's a picture to prove it. The picture is not, however, from this year. The forecast has predicted a little snow several times, lately, but all we have gotten is rain. Once in a great while we get a white Christmas, but most of our snow falls