Real Estate in Kailua Kona, Hawaii, with Lance Owens (RS), Kimi Nagatoshi (RS) and LUVA Real Estate

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Real Estate Agent - Kona Home Team (luva llc) - RB-24133
Hawaii Real Estate at its finest, we help our clients buy and sell homes here on the Big Island of Hawaii. If you are looking for agricultural land, horse property, ocean front condo, Luxury home in a gated community, vacation rental property and our favorite - first time home buyers! Our team does it all. We encourage you to see how great a team we have assembled and a what we can do for you.



******* THIS IS NOT A DRILL ********* How do I even express how frustrated,  and mad I am right now! For people that did not experience the moment, I could never explain it in a way that you could understand, but I will try. At about 8::00 this morning my phone went off with an emergency alert......
 Tax Reform & Housing: A Reference GuidePosted on January 4, 2018 - 07:51 AM by Lance Owens Tax Reform & Housing: A Reference Guide Aloha, Lance Owens (RS)  here with LUVA Real Estate, if you are like most of us, you wonder what the hell all this tax reform means to me? Well, this is why I pay al...

Kona Home Team (LUVA LLC) Lance Owens (RB-24133)

2024 Real Estate Expert - Hawaii Island
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Luxury Real Estate Sales, MLS Hot sheet, News, Market Reports, for the Kailua Kona area, West Hawaii, Mauna Lani, and Waikoloa Beach Resort areas.