Did you know that the top two concerns facing American families today are how pay down their debt and how to recover the investments they have lost over the past two years? Everywhere you turn, another talk show host is telling Americans that they have to get rid of their debt....even Oprah has
This is great information from Mary Andes, reverse mortgage specialist, that puts into perspective how to best serve the client by putting their interests first.I had coffee a few weeks ago with a financial planner who told me off the cuff that many financial planners feel that they are in compet
Have you ever thought about what the average family pays each month to service their debt? According to Fair Isaac, the typical family has about 8 to 11 different debts....and the average monthly payment is about $3,000. What could they do with that money if they had no debt....no mortgage, no
Have you ever thought about how much you are spending when you eat out? While we all need to provide nurishment for our bodies, eating out is one of the quickest ways to exhaust your discretionary funds. Did you know that the National Restuarant Association predicts that in 2010 the restuarant
This blog is from Mary Andes, reverse mortgage specialist.I was asked the question a couple of times this month if the reverse mortgage was just another subprime loan. I thought about the question for a couple of days and tried to distance myself from the loan since I sell it. I tried to think
The concept of creating your own equity in your home has been around since the 1990’s when the Australian Government arduously promoted the idea of paying down mortgages. They wanted the Australian people to be debt free which they assumed would make a stronger economy. The Macquarie Bank in Au
Via Mary Andes, reverse mortgage specialist The current ecomonic environment has created numerous difficulties for many families. The situation for our older population, however, can be even more severe as increased expenses for medical and prescription needs often create a situation where a c
Sunday night's 60 Minutes news program on strategic default was an eye opener. They reported on a rapidly spreading movement by homeowners to "strategically default" on their mortgage payment. This is the decision by the homeowner to walk away from their property, even though they can afford to
I was recently working with a couple who had purchase three rental properties in an upscale resort area, planning to use the increased equity they planned to receive as a significant portion of their retirement plan. They unfortunately bought at the height (or nearly the height) of the real esta
This is a post from Mary Andes, reverse mortgage specialist. I was intrigued by Mary's post because of the problem she is seeing that is facing many seniors. They would like to be able to do a reverse mortgage but are not able to because of a lack of sufficient equity in their homes. Had they