
Things to do for a good open house. This morning I went to Weight Watchers. Although I have so much to do for an open house later in the day. I listened as the speaker explained that to succeed we should make each meal appeal to all our senses for a "feel good experience". She advised to take the...
Activerain Camp in New York was awesome. What a beautiful day (January 12, 2010) in New York City. The brisk temperature went unnoticed thanks to the hustle bustle and excitement in the air. I departed from the Park and Ride on Route 23 in Wayne New Jersey. Fortunately the bus 324 runs about ever...
Wayne New Jersey is a Charitable Community. During the holidays residents of Wayne New Jersey demonstrate a charitable spirit with many good deeds. Some examples are: School bus drivers at the municipal North Cove bus depot donate sick days to a co-worker suffering from cancer. George Washington ...
The  Wayne Township Website offers a great tool for its residents. As a local Realtor it is important that I keep in touch with rules,  regulation and code in Wayne New Jersey. I find this new tool a great resource for obtaining information with just a few clicks. You can get answers from any of ...

Dolores "Dee" Mauriello

Realtor, Homes For Sale Wayne NJ
local_phone(973) 696-0077
smartphone(973) 979-7375
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