House Prices in Whitby, Ontario, for January 2015 - Detached Homes Real estate market data for Whitby, Ontario, for January, 2015 provided by Brian Wiseman LL.B., CIPS of Keller Williams Energy Real Estate Brokerage Whitby House Prices – Detached Homes (See explanation of 5 different house type...
House Prices in Oshawa, Ontario, for January 2015 - Detached Homes Real estate market data for Oshawa, Ontario, for January, 2015 provided by Brian Wiseman LL.B., CIPS of Keller Williams Energy Real Estate Brokerage Oshawa House Prices – Detached Homes (See explanation of 5 different house type...
5 Essentials for a Buyer in a Sellers’ MarketReal estate information provided by Brian Wiseman LL.B., CIPS of Keller Williams Energy Real Estate Brokerage Is it a Buyers’ Market, Sellers’ Market or Balanced Market? In a seller’s market, there are 5 essential things a buyer has to do: 1...