SOLOMONS ISLAND EVENTS: The Tiki Bar - 30th Year Anniversary Opening Party - April 16, 2010!
By Rita Minion
(O'Brien Realty)
The Tiki Bar & Mai Tai: 30 Years & Still Going Strong! Come get anchored to Tiki Bar on its 30th year anniversary opening party! The seasonal openings are always their biggest party of the year, but this upcoming opening is even bigger as they will be celebrating 30 years of tiki goodness! The Tiki Gods are planning it now and it will be a must-attend-event! This opening is a big landmark for the Tiki Bar. This day will most certainly be filled with mai tais, fun & unforgetful memories. Remember to mark your schedules now and come celebrate with them on Friday, April 16, 2010! Event: The Tiki Bar - 30th Year Anniversary Opening Party Location: Solomons Island, Maryland Address: 81 Charles St., Solomons, MD 20688 County: Calvert Date: Friday, April 16, 2010, Starts at 12:00 pm...