“In Memory of” . . . A Beautiful Fleur De Lis Print. . . found on my trip home to Louisiana
By Judi Morgan, San Antonio, TX Real Estate
Most of my friends here on Active Rain know (from my MEME's) that although I live and sell real estate in the beautiful city of San Antonio, TX; I am a Louisiana "Cajun" girl. I was born and raised in the beautiful Bayou State in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Like I say, "you can take the girl out of the bayou but you can't take the bayou out of the girl". We drove the 5-1/2 to 6 hour trip this past weekend to attend my husband's family Annual Christmas Gathering. With 6 siblings, wives/husbands, children & grandchildren - it's quite a Gathering. I had been "cruising" the internet for the last month or so, catching up with what's new in Lake Charles and surrounding area. This website is a great site about Southwest Louisiana - if you're going to or through the area, check it out and p...