Homes for Sale in Lake Charles LA Chosen Valley Subdivision
By Marilyn Boudreaux, Lake Charles LA Century 21 Realtor
(Marilyn Boudreaux, Century 21 Bono Realty)
Chosen Valley is a subdivision in South Lake Charles located off of Ham Reid Road. View Larger Map Homes for Sale in Lake Charles Chosen Valley average $110 per sq ft. Homes are 3 and 4 bedroom 2,000 or more sq ft. There is a man made pond in the back of the subdivision. There are currently 4 Homes for Sale in Chosen Valley Subdivision in Lake Charles LA 1443 Jamie Renee 1485 Addie Gail 5816 W Kayleigh 1474 Jamie Renee ****Note 1485 Addie Gail is already under contract in 5 days!!*****