Our mls is unbranded only. By the same token, the public can find these branded tours on their own.
Debbie Laity
Cedaredge, CO
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
At the current time, our mls does not allow any branding. That is an interesting development. I wonder about the back story.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Emily Medvec
Santa Fe, NM
Not cool. I haven't heard of that change here so that is good. I don't want to see 'commercials' with the listings. That's what started the whole thing in the 1st place.
My MLS is so tough on this they block out signs in front pics also. Just a square blob that's distorted.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Emily Medvec
Santa Fe, NM
My MLS allows branded and unbranded tours. The way I see it ... that information is already OUT THERE in oh so many ways. There is nothing to hide. A loyal client won't jump ship because of branding.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Wow, that's not a good move, imho. Our MLS thus far only allows unbranded tours although I guess a prospect or client could stumble across the branded tour, anyway...still, I prefer not to hand feed them the info.
Emily Medvec
Santa Fe, NM
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
I agree with your MLS.
As long as the MLS, Franchises and broker allow agent created IP to be sent to Zillow or any advertising site, the AGENT should BRAND the be-jeebies out of it. It is interesting that the MLS will brand the information they forward to these secondary and tertiary destination. They brand but I can not.
When branding is standard, all agents can say,"Steal any thing of mine you want" with all the sincerity of the smiley face.
Be aware, I DO create a branded and non-branded version of the movie tour. Unbranded is by request only to a qualified requester.
Emily Medvec
Santa Fe, NM
I wouldn't send them unless I had a buyer agency agreement with the buyers. However, our MLS still doesn't allow branded tours so, we do send them out often! That stinks that yours was changed. I just don't think it's smart to do dual agency and that only encourages dual in my opinion!
Tammie White, Broker
Franklin, TN
Must be nice.
We have Paragon MLS, but thanks to NAR (who supposedly works for us Realtors) we cannot brand our listings... we cannot even have a yard sign with our phone number on it as a picture in the MLS.
** I would never send another Realtor's contact info via email. It is giving away clients and customers!
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
Unbranded is always best but with so many public portals available many associate's names will be attached to it when all is said and done. It boils down to the strength of your relationship with the Buyer.
Emily Medvec
Santa Fe, NM
With all the info available on the web about each home, I don't see the problem. On the IDX on agent's websites, we have courtesy of brand name. If they are not loyal, you really don't want to work with them. A
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
if your buyers are loyal to you, go for it....if not, you may have a problem.... depends on your relationship with the buyer....
Emily Medvec
Santa Fe, NM
I've been wanting to take my board to the state's legal counsel for some time now over not allowing us to brand our photos. Our state's lawyers said that they should allow it, it'll just take a lawsuit I really don't want to deal with at the moment to get it.
Emily Medvec
Santa Fe, NM
Our MLS requires unbranded virtual tours. As it should be. If I'm sending information on a property directly, I will link to the property website that I created for the property.
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
I can't see what difference it makes unless someone is attempting to pass off another's listing as their own?
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Links in our MLS are to unbranded virtual tours only. Branded tours must not be via the MLS.
Emily Medvec
Santa Fe, NM
We have both (branded and unbranded )
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Our MLS only allows unbranded photos, but they do allow branded virtual tours. Have I ever sent a virtual tour branded with another agent's info to a buyer? Yes, but only if an unbranded option isn't available and I have a signed buyer's agreement.
In our area, the professional photographers who produce virtual tours often provide an unbranded version of that tour on youtube. I go to their youtube channel and search for the tour. Then I email that to buyers. For my own listings, I always send the branded tour.
My MLS has branded and unbranded tours. So we don't have this problem. It doesn't sound fair you don't have access to unbranded tours.
MLS Listings with Virtual Tours are no allowed to be branded; at least in the Mid-Florida Regional MLS and Sandicor
Emily Medvec - that's perfectly fine. They trust me to help them with listings from ANY other agents.
I don't check. I have a relationship with my buyers and I don't worry about them having the listing agents contact info, they aren't going to call. They realize the listing agent works for the seller.
In my MLS branded tours are not allowed. If they really need to find a name of a listing agent, they can open Z. or any other site like them.
Yes I do email these listings which reminds me I need to stop email notifications for one seller. We are ready to close.
Our MLS does not permit a branded virtual tour be attached to the listing. Branded tours are attached to other virtual sites. As an agent representing a buyer, as long as I had a buyer's service agreement in place with that buyer, I would be fine to send the branded tour.
Not sure what you mean by a "branded" tour, but sure. If there are tours I send them.
I'd rather send it out as they will get it anyway from another site. Our MLS doesn't allow unbranded links either, but I think many don't even click on the links for virtual tours anyway. They are often slow to upload, too long, strange music and the branding is typically at the end...not many get there anyway. They saw we have the attention span of a goldfish....!
I like to take a short video from my IPhone and use that. It's short and branded with my mug.
Paragon lets you adjust the emails so you can set it up to not include virtual tours.