- Personality -- before I ever interview an agent, I get an idea of the personality and needs of the client -- then match up the personalities the best that I can
- Communication & accountability -- I usually am placing referrals for other agents. I need to be informed of everything -- I will not place a referral with an agent unless I feel they communicate quickly and accurately. I will also pull a referral if I do not feel that agent is adequately helping the client.
- Local knowledge and experience in the areas needed for the client.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Gary Coles (Coaching)
Las Vegas, NV
1. Knowledgeable of their service area and market.
2. Personability.
3. Capability of handling client with utmost care.
I want the client to THANK ME for that valued 'human resource' after a successful closing.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Melissa Jackson REALTOR
Azle, TX
Val - Gary Coles (International Referrals) nailed this one. I don't have anything else to add.
Gary Coles (Coaching)
Las Vegas, NV
Experience in the area and type of property my client may be looking for. Substantive personal website and intenet presence. How they respond when I first contact them. And I almost always look for a CRS--I've never had an issue with a CRS referral.
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
Good morning Val. If I know them already, that is great, if not I will get a referral from someone I trust, I check out their profiles and do a Google search.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Are you really thinking about becoming a real estate agent? Seems like I read that in your profile. Are you closer? You ask some really different questions about subjects most people would never even think about prior to becomeing a real estate professional. I was just curious...
Jill Moog
Carlsbad, CA
That they work in a brokerage with other agents, that they are not part of a huge team, that they have experience, and that their firm provides full, high quality service. I try to talk to them over the phone first to get a feel for whether or not they are a good fit.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Anyone I would refer would have my core values when it comes to service, knowledge and emotional IQ. Ken Jones said it well. I would also check with other sources that are at our disposal. A
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Years in the business for the experience, web presence, and depending on the client I am referring - some of their criteria.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
1) Response time to my inquiry
2) Number of listings (volume)
3) Testimonials on site
1. Clean license
2. Proven track record - not interested in "I'm #1"
3. Interview them by phone or GoToMeeting.
Val Evans first is - how much I know about this agent and second - can the agent get job done?
I'm looking for a referral that
1.HAS experience working full time in the same type of real estate the buyer / seller wants.
2. Positive feedback from another mutual Realtor
3. Personality upbeat and positive, agent that enjoys working with buyers/sellers.
I want a full time agent that has time to work the referral and will click with and understand the referral's needs.
before I make a referral, I want to speak with the agent and what and how she/he communicates is very important.... the first step for me would be to check the production ....and then I would call to interview...
A successful track record, knowledge of the community and a good reputation.
Experience, make sure the agent has a compatible personality w/ the Buyer / Seller by speaking w/ the agent, The agent's knowledge of the area the Buyer / Seller is looking / selling
1 experience. wanting to take the referral.
2 he is under a name broker not no name broker working out of his car who does not want to pay you.....
3 communication, communication , communication..
I'm not an agent but I do refer out business - I look for someone who is accessible, has market knowledge, and has a personality that fits with my clients.
I like to make sure they work real estate full time. No part timers for my referrals.