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Commercial Real Estate Agent |
RAINER 17,042 |
Gary Schraut | ||
Brooksville, FL
— Century 21 Alliance Realty
Century 21 Real Estate |
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Its hard to pick a real estate agent on line. fancy pictures and words does not market your property. what you cannot create on the Internet is past experience. With over 23 years experience in Hernando County selling vacant acreage, commercial, industrial and residential properties. Look at my past performace, over 22 years over $1,000,000 in sales and the last 20 years over $2,000,000. That's each and every year, every year in Hernando County, with recent years being over $15,000,000 in sales. These websites are good, they are the beginning of your search, but it's important to know who you are doing business with. Now past performance does not mean everything we touch is sold...but when your looking for results, closed sales are more proof of results than points on a website. The only agent In Hernando County recognized Nationally as a Commercial and Residential real estate specialist. The only Realtor in Hernando County recognized as both with the CRS & CCIM designtions. In 1990 Gary schraut earned the Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) designation. In 1992 Gary Schraut earned the prestigious Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM).
Why a CRS? A proven track record of succes:
In June 2005, an independent research firm hired by the Council conducted a telephone survey of randomly selected members. A total of 280 members were interviewed representing an 86% response rate and a sampling error ± 5.3% at the 95% level of confidence. Information regarding earnings and production is characteristic of 2004, while other data are representative of member characteristics in 2005. The goal of the membership survey is to provide statistically valid research from CRS Designees and Candidates that can affect the Council's long-term course of development and short-term implementation priorities. Overall, the typical CRS Designee is a 57-year-old woman who earns an annual salary of $160,500 while working 50 hours a week as a sole practitioner for a franchise company.
Here are the highlights from the 2005 Council membership survey:
CRS Designees earn a median income of $160,500 annually, a 25 percent increase over the $120,000 earned in 2002.This is more than 4 times the $38,300 median income of REALTORS serving as sales associates. (Source: 2005 NAR Member Profile) CRS Designees average a total of 32 transactions per year with gross sales of $7 million annually. CRS Designees represent the seller an average of 20 times per year CRS Designees represent the buyer an average of 12 times per year CRS Designees attribute a median 10 percent of their income to holding the CRS Designation CRS Designees have worked in residential real estate for an average of 20 years. CRS Designees have been members of the Council for 10 years and held the CRS Designation for 9 years. The majority of CRS Designees work as a sole practitioner (69 percent). Less than a third (28 percent) works in or leads a team. CRS Designees are an average of 57 years old. Some 67 percent of CRS Designees are women while men make up 33 percent of the membership. Some 51 percent of CRS Designees work for large franchise companies versus 46percent affiliated with independent companiesWhat is a CCIM?
A Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) is a recognized expert in the disciplines of commercial and investment real estate. A CCIM is an invaluable resource to the commercial real estate owner, investor, and user, and is among an elite corps of 8,600 professionals across North America who hold the CCIM designation.
Recognized for its preeminence within the industry, the CCIM curriculum represents the core knowledge expected of commercial investment practitioners, regardless of the diversity of specializations within the industry. The CCIM curriculum consists of four core courses that incorporate the essential CCIM skill sets: financial analysis, market analysis, user decision analysis, and investment analysis for commercial investment real estate. Additional curriculum requirements may be completed through CCIM elective courses, transfer credit for graduate education or professional recognition, and qualifying non-CCIM education. Following the course work, candidates must submit a resume of closed transactions and/or consultations showing a depth of experience in the commercial investment field. After fulfilling these requirements, candidates must successfully complete a comprehensive examination to earn the CCIM designation. This designation process ensures that CCIMs are proficient not only in theory, but also in practice.
With such a wide range of subjects to be mastered and in a dynamic business such as real estate, the educational process doesn't end once the designation is earned; there is a strong commitment among CCIMs to continuing education.
Only 6 percent of the estimated 125,000 commercial real estate practitioners nationwide hold the CCIM designation, which reflects not only the caliber of the program, but also why it is one of the most coveted and respected designations in the industry. The CCIM membership network mirrors the increasingly changing nature of the industry and includes brokers, leasing professionals, investment counselors, asset managers, appraisers, corporate real estate executives, property managers, developers, institutional investors, commercial lenders, attorneys, bankers and other allied professionals. Through this business network and through enhanced communication with the CCIM electronic network, CCIMs successfully complete approximately 156,000 transactions annually, representing more than $400 billion.
Certified Commercial Investment Members are in more marketplaces in North America -- 12 CCIM regions representing 1,000 cities -- than all major real estate companies combined. Regions and chapters provide designees and candidates the opportunities to promote business and educational goals through local and regional forums and meetings.
Past residential clients include past members of the Fl. House and United States Congress. Commercial clients include Fedearl Express,, Burger King, Micro Tel, Sonny's BBQ and the St Petersburg Times. Gary has been one of the top producing agents in Hernando County for many years. In 1995 Gary was the Top producing Century 21 Agent in the Central Region of Florida and in 1996 was the #1 Top Producing Commercial/Investment agent in Floridsa for Centruy 21. In 1998 Gary was awarded the Graduate Realtor Institue (GRI).
Having completed numerous advanced course on appraising, subdivision devlopment, residential marketing and commercial analysis has created an educational foundation that today makes Gary Shraut and Coldwell Banker Schraut and Associates one of the leaders in Commercial and Residential real estate market in Hernando County. Agricultural sales, 2.5, 5, 10 acre tracts has been a specialty of mine for over 20 years. Many of these parcels have been in areas close to the Withlachoochee State Forest Horse Trails, an area that is very popular with our horse community. Whatever your real estate needs are, put Gary Schraut's knowledge of his community and Hernando County to work for you.
Hernando County is one of the fastest growing County's in the State of Florida. Marketing commercial, industrial and transitional properties is my specialty. I have participated in numerous re-zonings, special excemptions and variances. Developing Commercial, Industrail and Resdiential subdivisions. Being involved in matters of real estate is very imortant. I have personally particpated in assisting in the creation of the Class I ordiance which allowed for the creation of smaller acreage parcles in Hernando's rural areas. This allowed for tracts smaller than 40 acres to be subdivided so that land owners of small acreage parcels could have options in marketing their property. In addition, it created more opportunities for people to acquire smaller parcels, 2.5, 5 and 10 acre tracts. This ordinance later evloved into what is todays, Class "B" and Class "C" subdivisions. With that said, understand that no job is too big or too small, we do them all from 1 acre to 1500 acres. In Brooksville, Ridge Manor & Spring Hill areas of Hernando County we are recognized as the go to firm for doing Commercial Real Estate. Being committed to our Community and Profession is not just a slogan: Community involment consists of serving on Hernando County Aviation Authority for 16 years. As a member of the Aviation Authority I served as Vice Chairman and Chairman twice. Member of City of Brooksvilles Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for 17 years, serving as chairman for 6 years. Past member of the City of Brooksvilles Appeals & Zoning Board. Appointed by Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives in 2005 to Serve as a Commissioner on Florida's "Century Commission". The Century Commission was formed as part of th growth Management Act in 2005. 15 Commissioners were appointed. 5 Commissioners appointed by Governor Jeb Bush, 5 Appointed by the Senate Presidnet Tom Lee and 5 Commissioners appointed by Speaker Alan Benes. All Commissioners were confirmed by the Florida Senate. The Commission meets a minimum of 6 times a year and is charged with envisioning Florida's future 50 years from today. I was seletced by Sheriff Thomas Mylander to serve as a director for the Gold Shield Foundation for 4 years. Sheriff Richard Nugent has reappointed me to that postion for 5 years. The Gold Shield Foundation was formed by George Steinbrenner to assist the families of Law Enforcement officers and firefighters who have died in the line of duty. The families of the fallen hero's, children and spouse all are offered the opportunity to go to a 4 year college with all tuition, books and accomadations paid for by the Gold Shield. A past member of the Withlachoochee Regional Planning Council appointed by Governor Jeb Bush. Professional involvement includes serving as 1999 President of the Association of Realtor. A member of the Associations Board of Directors for 12 years, served as Treasurer (twice) and Secreatary. I am the recipient of the "2000 Realtor of the Year" award and the only two time receipent of the Hernando Association of Realtors "Civic Acheivement Award". The Civic Acheivement Award is presented to Realtors who go above and beyond in volunteering to their community. One of my greatest honors is being recoginzed by my Association in it's "Honor Society". Currently I am the only member of the Hernando Association of Realtors to be a part of it's Honor Society for 18 years. On the State level, I serve has a state Trustee for the Florida Association Of Realtors Political Action Committee. Appointed as an RPAC Trustee by FAR President Michael Dooley in 2006. 13 Trustees over see the Realtor political Action Committee for FAR's 13 districts, my reposnibiltiy is district 7 which represents Hernando, Marion, Lake, Citrus and Sumter Counties. Other roles for FAR include being key contact to Representaive David Russell of District 44 for 8 years and currently working as key contact with Representative Robert Schenk of district 44. I have also been recoginezed by the Florida Association of Realtors as a 14 year member of FAR Honor Society. In addition to the State role, I represent the National Association of Realtors to District 5 Congresswoman, Ginny Brown Waite since 2000.
Being involved in Community and my Profession are commitments that were made many years ago. Its the same commitment I make to my clients and customers everyday.
Proven results, Over $42,000,000 in sales since 1/1/2004. Acreage, Comm., Ind. & Residential. Real Estate Experience = Results = Closings = Netsales = "TRUE RESULTS!" "We want your business!"