Getting Out of Debt

Services for Real Estate Pros - Marketing with Kate
Get out of Debt, Debt Elimination Strategies, Mortgage Equity Management tools, Credit Repair strategies for homeowners and first time home buyers. Australian Mortgage, U1st Financial, Money Merge Account, be debt free, pay off your mortgagem Mortgage Loans,
Online networking is a powerful way to get noticed and gain market leadership in your area. Learning how to network effectively is an art that will enhance your life and business in unexpected ways. One of the most effective networking strategies is to take on a "how can I help you today?" attit...
With over half a billion users, Facebook can be considered the third largest country in the world. It is a marketing force that cannot be ignored. More importantly, the average Facebook user is loyal, loyal, loyal. Its user visit Facebook more often than other websites, even Google.n Like it or ...
The success of your blogging activities on Active Rain depends on how you communicate your message to the community and to your reader. Consistency plays a big role. I'm convinced that part of consistency is in choosing the media that you are most comfortable communicating with. By media I mean ...
If you're like I was, Twitter and Google Reader are nothing more than information overload. That will end today! Today's 30 Day Challenge lesson shows you how to organize your Twitter and Google Reader feeds into usable information that you can leverage into market leadership. Today you will be ...
Today you will be shown how to evaluate the websites of other Real Estate Agents in your market and get a feeling for how they position their websites for consumers. You'll be shown how to determine the keyword density of your competitors, the content that they use and even what market niche that...
  This is very relevant information that will impact everyone.  Those of us who live in the world of real estate know this instinctively, but the numbers are somewhat sobering to say the least.   Today we participated in a RealtyTrac webinar hosted by CDPE. Rich Sharga of RealtyTrac shared a lot ...
This is really relevant information on how Google is changing the playing field just a bit when it comes to market share.  Something to watch and pay attention to, especially if you are a blogger or working at a hyper-local level.Is the Long Tail Dead? Google Instant Raises the Stakes for Ranking...
  This is great information shared by Maria and Chris.  This the program that should have been rolled out first.   It's about time that some real help comes to homeowners.  If we can keep people in homes then maybe we slowly rebuild confidence and get things moving again.   Homeowners Keep Your H...
Who are you? Do you have an online brand? As The Challenge moves from exploring passive market leadership to explaining more active leadership, these questions are raised. They are questions that each of us need to explore as we move forward in building our online persona. Rules to live by: 1. Be...
Are you actively pursuing market leadership in your area? What is market leadership and why do you want it? Week 5 of the The 30 Day Challenge answers these questions and challenges us to step beyond the ordinary and become market leaders. Why? More Leads. More Leads usually mean more sales. It r...

Kate Bourland

Onlilne Marketing Mobile Marketing
local_phone(530) 638-3328
Contact The Author
This Blog is my voice on the political, financial and social implications of debt. My goal is to encourage my readers to think outside their own personal reality and to challenge the social and political truths we have been taught about money, finance and our "free market" economy.