Are you doing something every single day to market yourself? Client follow up, social networking, wearing your nametag around town, sending an email to your database - whatever it is - have you done something today to remind people you are still around? Do you think marketing is important enough ...
I just found this out today and it's almost over but this week was no name-calling week. It's part of the anti-bullying campaign. I don't think that it is getting enough exposure so I wanted to make it the topic of my blog today. You can visit -
I am doing some research for a friend of mine and I was wondering if I could ask you all some questions. I need Realtor feed back! Please let me know what you think of the following - Out of everyone who responds I will draw one winner to get 1 free hour of Virtual Assistance to use towards anyth...
Marketing is one of the most important parts of your business. Without marketing you have no clients and without clients - well you'd be pretty bored. I believe in doing marketing that is cheap or even free, especially in today's economy. Most people think this is impossible but I've come up wit...
I want to make a quick blog on a few specials I'm offering based on a certain project. Contact me today if I can help you with any of these projects. These specials are for Active Rain Members only. Please be sure to mention that when you contact me. Simple Facebook Page setup, first 25 fans, van...
Since my previous post on Facebook was so well liked - I wanted to continue it with a few more tips that I have thought of or seen done since then. First- An important one that I should have put in the last post. Once you have I think 25 fans you can change the URL of your Facebook page to a "van...
So you've created this great Facebook page for your business - and now you need fans - or "likes" as they are referred to these days. Why do you need fans? Because each time you post something - the only people that will see it are your fans. The more you have, the more exposure you will get. Her...
Did you know that something as simple as an apple could have so many choices? Fuji, Braeburn, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Gala - the list goes on. I have to admit that I was always a red delicious girl - to the core (no pun intended). When I wanted an apple it had to be Red Delicious - there...
Well, you know the rest of the saying. Everyone does it, we make excuses. It's easier to put something off if you have a really good excuse. "Well, I was going to get to that today but, my astrological sign changed so I just got all off balance. I have to go find myself again" - well maybe not to...
I belong to a Women's Networking group called WOAMTEC - and I am featured on their website today as the deal of the day. I wanted to extend the offer to my Active Rain family also. The deal is purchase one hour at the discounted rate of $18 and get a second hour free. I can help you with practica...