Bill Zumwalt's (teamzumwalt) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - William T. Zumwalt CPA, CTC "The Tax Coach for REALTORS"
Let me start by saying right off that I’m not a fan of rocker Sammy Hagar. I didn’t like his solo stuff in the early 1980’s. I hated when he replaced David Lee Roth as frontman for “Van Hagar.” But while I may not like Hagar’s music, I do admire his business sense. Specifically, I’m talking about...
This is a big week for taxes and technology. State "insurance exchanges" are scheduled to open for business under the Affordable Care Act, which lets consumers sign up for tax-subsidized individual health insurance. The White House has already announced that technological glitches will delay onli...
Lois Lerner is the former director of exempt organizations and is the IRS agent charged with singling out the Tea Party groups. She was originally placed on paid leave. As of September 23rd she has taken early retirement. I’m sure this was done to keep her wonderful retirement benefits. Frankly, ...
I was in Norman Oklahoma teaching  real estate agents recently about how to reduce their taxes. Many of the agents there were wearing the crimson and cream colors as this is the home of the University of Oklahoma Sooners. That  week was significant since the foe is Notre Dame.  So I decided to fi...
How many of you have been driving around town and we see a SUV or even a cabin cruiser on the lake with the entire body wrapped in advertising promoting a real estate agent. Many times you could say the vehicle is a walking billboard. So I guess that must be his business vehicle, right?  Wrong!  ...
NAR is urging lawmakers not to make affordable home ownership harder for consumers by cosponsoring the Protecting American Taxpayers and Homeowners (PATH Act. H.R. 2767, introduced by Rep Joe Hensarling (R Texas)  as a way to reform the secondary mortgage market. NAR supports reform but opposes t...
Does everyone feel this way about traveling? I do my fair share of seminars and always find it a comfort to get back home. Traveling is stressful. So many things can go wrong from missing a flight due to a traffic accident to missing a turn on the highway. This trip was going well until the morni...
Just got back last night from a great time in Little Rock, Arkansas. The personnel at Cooperative Arkansas Realtors MLS were wonderful to work with. Especially with regard to my car trouble that turned out to be a bad battery. This tax seminar addressed the issues of the new agents that attended ...
When you hear the word "tax," you probably think of something the IRS takes out of your paycheck. Or you might think of something they take out of an inheritance. But taxes affect virtually every financial transaction you make. Take, for example, that simple jar of honey lurking on the shelf in y...
Last night there came out a call for dogs to give blood. Our boxers, Kane and Cherokee, were asked to donate to help the cause. Boxers have a universal blood type that can be used to help all dogs.More than a dozen blood type groups have been described in a dog. The various systems are called DEA...

Bill Zumwalt

Tax Coach, CPA
local_phone(918) 583-1040
smartphone(918) 808-7164
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