Look at your walls. Take down all pictures except for one per wall or one per room and no pictures of family. Too many pictures take your eyes away from the room. Clean out your closets. Pack up all your spring/winter clothes, like clothes you won't be wearing for this seaon. Less clothes will ma...
Many people are having problems with their mortgages and because of this several companies have opened their doors to be "foreclosure rescue" companies. Buyer beware because some of them are scams. They charge fees and don't deliver. If you are thinking of using these companies, be very careful. ...
Now that I am addicted to golf, I had to find a place to practice after the snow started falling. I found Creekside Golf in Girard. It is a domed area that I can hit the ball 80 yards to the back wall. It also has a bullseye for hitting the ball up in the air. So far I have been practicing with m...
1.Buyers want to save the commission when dealing with a FSBO. They think since you are selling yourself they can knock of the commission you would have paid to a realtor off the price. Be prepared to sell your home for under fair market value. 2. The more buyers that have access to your home, th...
In today's buyers market you can sell "smart" and feel good about your sale. Here are four tips to selling "smart". First - "Stage Your Home to Sell". I help all my seller's "stage their homes to sell" for free. You may also pay a staging professional to stage your home. This is not the same as d...
Home values have decreaseded all across the US. Yet our property taxes have stayed the same in many areas. You can dispute your home's assessment with the county. Call the county or visit their website and see if they have a form you can fill out. Check to see what your home is assessed for. If i...
Here is the condos at Fonderlac Village. The condos in this picture face the 15th green. All the condos have a view of the golf course. I love my view the best which is similar to picture below. You can see the golf course and Lake Evans in the background. I live in a 2 bedroom 2 bath condo wit...
The other day I heard that realtors are crooks. I know that in every profession there are dishonest people, however, in every profession, there are many wonderful professionals. I try and explain to each and every client which things in the transaction are in my control and which things are not. ...
The City of Stow has its own website at: . You can get information about their parks, golf course at Fox Den, community events, city council, utilities, city meeting minutes, mayor's office and other city offices, permits, how to open a business in Stow, Bow Wow Beach - dog park, ...
This 18-hole par 3 course features 2,144 yards of golf for a par of 54. It is a great place for beginners and to practice your short game. I have found a number of lost balls when golfing here. I hit my ball in the woods one day and ended up with 10 balls, unfortunately, not my ball. I know I so...