Haven’s Gardens Park in Washington NC Here is a daily updated, complete list of waterfront homes listed for sale near Haven’s Gardens Park in Washington NC . Let Me Tell You A Little About Havens Gardens Park Haven’s Gardens is a park on the east side of Washington, NC that is located on the Paml...
Search here for Historic Homes For Sale in Washington, NC A Little History About Washington The present day Beaufort County in eastern North Carolina was explored by the english in the late 1500s, but it was about a hundred years later before it was settled. Colonists from Virginia expanded into...
Search through our daily updated list of waterfront homes for sale in Washington, NC here. A Little About Washington's History and the Pamlico River Washington, NC is the county seat of Beaufort County in eastern North Carolina. Beaufort County was settled by colonists from Virginia in the 1690s...
Search here for Waterfront Homes near the Washington Yacht and Country Club in Washington, NC. What a Treasure in Eastern North Carolina! When I first moved to the Washington area in the mid-70s, one of the first people I met was Aubrey Moore (no relation). At the time, I was in the boatyard bus...
Just How "Certified" Is Certified Mail? It Was Just Another Day and Then....... It is interesting how any facet of everyday life can spin you off on some strange tangent. This particular tangent of mine started with the hobby purchase of an old, tired, classic Honda motorcycle. The title was lo...
Homes For Sale in Bath, NC Priced Below $200,000 We can help you will find your new home with our daily updated list of Homes For Sale in Bath, NC Priced Below $200,000. Bath: The Oldest Incorporated Town in North Carolina Bath, NC, a small community of about 250 residents in 2011, is located in ...
Bill's Hot Dog Stand in Washington, NC When you think of historic landmarks, what is the first thing that comes to mind? I know....a hot dog stand, right? No? Not where you are? Well, in Washington it is! A Little Bill's Hot Dog History Bill's Hot Dog Stand in Washington, NC was opened in 1928...
Senator Bob Martin Eastern Agricultural Center in Williamston NC What A Wonderful Venue For Equestrian Events Even if you are not a horse owner, there is still plenty to do at the Senator Bob Martin Eastern Agricultural Center near Williamston, NC. This complex is massive by Eastern North Carol...
The past few years have conditioned me to avoid seeing the good news even in seemingly great news. There seems to be a naysayer around every corner, not many of whom make their livings from real estate commissions. Having said all of this, let’s consider the following. National Economic Outlook...
The area currently known as Beaufort County was originally explored by the English in the late 1500s but was not settled until about a century later. Bath was founded in 1705 and became the first incorporated town in North Carolina. James Bonner started the town that is currently known as Wa...