Markelle has shifted from virtual assistance to SEO Campaign Management, and currently works for Straight North. If you are interested in Virtual Assistant services, feel free to contact Markelle for referrals and recommendations. If you are interested in a new website or SEO for your brokerage, ...
Leads leads leads....tracking them is a full time job! Especially in this market, buyers are taking their time waiting for that bottom to fall out. Sellers may want to sell but have no money or equity to do so, so you need a LOT of sellers in your pipeline! In order to succeed in this market, you...
So how exactly DO you reach the goal of converting a lead? In my last post, I said I would give you some tips and tricks. Actually, it's pretty basic. The 'tips and tricks' are in the follow up, not the strategy. Sometimes an oldie REALLY is a goody. Let's focus on buyers, since they are no...
In my last post about lead management, I identified the top 3 things your lead management system should do. If you can't do this with your current lead management system, then you are not going to produce the results you should be. Leads cost money; in effect, not following up is flushing money a...
If you are a Realtor and are struggling in the current market, and you have not read the oldie but goodie 'Who Moved My Cheese', go get the book RIGHT NOW! Especially if you find yourself complaining about one or more of the topics listed below: There are too many distressed property owners, an...
Congratulations! You have leads, and they need managed! This is a GOOD thing, although frustrating at times. Leads today can turn into a closing 3, 6, 9, 12 months from now, and you need to have a system in place that keeps your prospects interested in YOU. Never before have consumers had so mu...
There is one verb that separates agents who thrive from those who merely survive or despise their job, and that verb is the word DELEGATE. What does delegate mean? Used as a verb, it translates as follows: The verb DELEGATE has 2 senses: 1. transfer power to someone 2. give an assignment to (a ...
You would think that Realtor web sites have been around long enough that we all would 'get it' by now, but we still have to be diligent and use the oldie but goody: Keep It Simple Stupid! Technology continues to change at a record pace, we get bogged down in unnecessary details and bells and wh...
Listing Syndication. It's all the rage these days. Not because it really drives buyers and sellers to call your cell phone or email you; but it does seem to cover a lot of marketing bases with a simple click. Or does it? And if it does, how are you using it to the fullest advantage? How can i...
I hesitate to start a blog that could spin out of control; as 'outsourcing' is a highly politicized subject that can branch off in 1,000 different directions. So let's focus on specifics: Real Estate Agents hire virtual assistants to help market their listings, and the staff that helps them is ba...