I have been doing short sales for the past 4 years and I have seen the timeframes reduce and the amount of approvals increase with Bank of America. I can remember just a year ago, I was hearing agents say "I won't take a short sale listing if the loan is with BofA". I decided not to listen to the
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are giving homeowners a gift CNNMoney 12/2 -- Happy holidays struggling homeowners! Fannie Mae, FreddieMac and several large mortgage lenders have pledged not to foreclose ondelinquent borrowers during the Christmas season. For homeowners with loans through Fannie Mae a
Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Act Expiring Unless extended, the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Ace is set to expire the end of 2012. There is no guarantee that the act will be extended into 2013. Bottom Line, if you are thinking of doing a short sale, now is the time to act. Rules and guidelines are const
Keller Williams Click here to view this email in a web browser. Laura Lake http://www.buyandsellpalmsprings.com lauralake@buyandsellpalmsprings.com 760-464-8138 (Office) Kelle
Desert Hot Springs Short Sale sold We helped this seller get their investment property sold and the new buyer kept the current tenants in the home, a win-win for everyone!
What???? Mortgage Insurance Covers the Bank.....Not Me?? Had a meeting last week with a seller who bought a new home in the Shadow Hills Development in Indio, CA 92203 back in 2004. Her husband passed away recently and she wanted to know how to get the Mortgage Insurance to kick in and payoff h
When can you buy a home again after a Short Sale or Foreclosure? Here are the general guidelines followed FHA Lenders. Just another reason why short sale is better than a foreclosure if you can't get a loan modification from your lender Foreclosure/deed-in-lieu: 3 years from date foreclosure