Super Jumbo Mortgage money is still available. Super Jumbos are available for loan amounts up $2 million. Some features of this program include... 80% financing for Purchases and Rate/Term Refinances up to $2MM Cash out up to 500K Interest Only or Fully Amortizing Second Home SFR Financing av
This winter has been particularly cold in Pennsylvania. Homes with older windows, inadequate insulation and improper air sealing have a hard time keeping out the winter chill. High utility bills can also cost homeowners quite a bit as they try to keep their home warm. Is there a possible solut
Using a 100% USDA mortgage is a great way to finance the purchase of your next home. These are great loans for those who qualify and the USDA loan remains as one of the true no down payment programs out there. Benefits of a USDA Rural Dev loan include: True 100% no money down
The $8000 tax credit that expired last June placed a lot of new homebuyers in their very first house. Most of these first time buyers probably planned on owning these homes for years and years to come. We all know that sometimes life gets in the way of even the best laid plans. Unexpected life
When shopping for a home it always a good idea to check in with your mortgage lender and make sure that obtaining a mortgage for a property will be possible. Making sure there are no mistakes on your credit report and that income, debts and assets are in line is a crucial step to purchasing a ho
Fannie Mae offers incentives to Homebuyers in Pennsylvania who are looking to buy a home that they own. Fannie Mae offer these incentives through the Fannie Mae Homepath Program. HomePath mortgages provide up to 97% financing, with no Mortgage Insurance requirement and no appraisal, for purcha
FHA appraisal policies have always dictated that certain exterior repairs (peeling paint, faulty handrails, broken porch step, etc) be completed before the mortgage can close. Sometimes completing some of these minor repairs can be near impossible if the weather will not cooperate. Peeling or
Homeowners in Allegheny County are eligible for some relief from property taxes. Under the Homestead Act, residents of Allegheny County are able to reduce the tax assessed value of their primary residence by $15,000. For example if the tax assessed value of your home is $140,000, you can appl
1. What is a reverse mortgage? A reverse mortgage is a special type of home loan that lets you convert a portion of the equity in your home into cash. The equity that built up over years of home mortgage payments can be paid to you. But unlike a traditional home equity loan or second mortgage, no
Mortgage rates are still at very low levels in Pennsylvania. Low Mortgage Rates increase your Home Purchase power and bring more homes into your price range. Now is the time to see if you can take advantage of these low rates to purchase a home. Call today for a free consultation to see what