Eric Proulx's (ericproulx) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros -
I know it took me a while to update and I SINCERELY apologize but the internet connection here has been shoddy at best. Now I have a full battery and full connection so of course the first thing I do is check up on my ActiveRain (wink wink Kerrie). Germany has been an absolute blast. My family an...
So I don't actually know what "or bust" meant so I looked it up. I guess it means "We're going to get to [location] or die trying!" It's been a while since I've blogged on my ActiveRain and frankly, I'm surprised Kerrie hasn't made any threats. What better way to come back into the rain than to b...
I might just be saying this because I'm including in this list, but an EXCELLENT list of folks to follow on G+. Debbie is already a great influencer as well so make sure you're following her!Yes, it's time for the 2nd installment of GaGa for Google +.  In this weekly series, I (and other Active R...
I know I've neglected my ActiveRain blog but if you have a chance to read Melissa's post, please do so. Content is King and Google+ is his Queen =)I asked a question about AR and AuthorRank. What Happened Next was Shocking...    Jumping feet first into the Google Plus pool, I've been trying to le...
Last week, I got to join Bob Stewart for an ActiveRain University class on Google+. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t so sure what the reaction would be since I’ve spoken about Google+ before and I’ve only gotten lukewarm responses.   Clearly the ActiveRain community is in a league of their own and I’m no...
No doubt, home makeovers and remodeling projects can prove fun, rewarding, and even therapeutic. There's nothing quite like the feeling when you have a vision, turn your creativity and abilities loose on the project and see it through to completion. Home renovations have even created millions of ...
   You can’t really get anywhere within the social media world of real estate without hearing about Rob Hahn and his infamous blog. I’ve never met Rob in person, but I enjoy seeing his updates. I don’t necessarily agree with 100 percent of the things he posts, but I admire him because, for the mo...
Most of the time, on a personal level, the housing market and buying a home exists only peripherally. Since I was asked to approach home buying from not only a personal basis, but as a representative of my generation as well, I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to own a home. Up until no...
The stakes in real estate transactions are high – and often fraught with emotion for people who may well be engaging in the biggest purchase or sale of their lives. Furthermore, it takes a lot of different people working together to make a home purchase or other real estate transaction happen. Th...
Despite all of the negative press about how tough getting financing can be these days, streamlined refinancing of home mortgages using an FHA or VA loan promises to be easier than slicing through warm butter with a samurai sword. Is it really? While there is no question that mortgage lenders have...