Outsource Your Real Estate Life Learn the best kept secrets in creating massive amounts of time! Orlando, FL - David "The Diamond" Oswald, will be speaking this Thursday Saturday, February 4, 2010 from 7 PM to 9 PM for the Sarasota REIA. The address where the Sarasota REIA meets is the Bank o...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDavid "The Diamond" Oswald to Host Seminar on Creative Financing in Association with Premier Networking Parsippany, NJ April 17, 2008 - David "The Diamond" Oswald, a top real estate investor and personality in Middlesex County, NJ announced a networking event that is being h...
The Guts to DecideBy David OswaldI do some of my best writing at odd hours of the day or night. Sometimes I write these articles when I can't sleep at 1:00 am and sometimes I have to actually plan to write them so that they get done. In my particular case, writing is one of those things that so...
For Immediate Release"THE DIAMOND" TO HOST 2 DAY SEMINAR THIS WEEKEND - APRIL 19 AND 20th - TWO FULL DAYS OF ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW TO SUCCEED IN SHORT SALES!!!Become an expert in short sales TODAY!Real estate investors, those who want to get started and industry professionals...Somerset, NJ - D...
GET YOUR PIECE OF THE HOTTEST FORECLOSURE MARKET IN DECADES!!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?Learn the best kept secrets in Creative Real Estate Investing!Real Estate Investors and those who want to become Real Estate Investors!Fords, NJ - He must love what he does. David "The Diamond" Oswald is ba...
Press Release - February 16FORECLOSURE AND SHORT SALE SEMINAR - LEARN TO CONTROL PROPERTY WITH LITTLE OR NO MONEY NOW!!!Learn the best kept secrets in Creative Real Estate Investing!Real Estate Investors and those who want to pick up a great deal on foreclosed property!David "The Diamond" Oswald,...
"THE DIAMOND" TO HOST 8 HOUR SEMINAR - SHORT THAT SALE THIS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2!Become an expert in short sales TODAY!Real estate investors, those who want to get started and industry professionals...After an overwhelming response this past Saturday from his introductory seminar where some peopl...
Press ReleaseFORECLOSURE AND SHORT SALE SEMINAR - LEARN TO CONTROL PROPERTY WITH LITTLE OR NO MONEY NOW!!!Learn the best kept secrets in Creative Real Estate Investing!Real Estate Investors and those who want to pick up a great deal on foreclosed property!David "The Diamond" Oswald, Founder of Ri...
"Cause Life is So Brief and Time is a Thief" - Rod Stewart from the song, "Young Turks"I had the great fortune of deciding to no longer watch television about two years ago. I was going through a time in my life where I was taking a very deep look at what it would take for me to go to a higher...
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."I was thinking about the importance of a having a mentor in anything that I've ever done during the course of my life. Anytime that I've taken a step into some area where I was unfamiliar whether it was learning a new sport, learning some new ...