Nilton's Blog

Real Estate Agent - Equity Real Estate - Davis Co. Office
My personal views about Real Estate and related issues, although my personal views might be a little unorthodox to some people.
I just received these ideas about customer service, and I'm passing on... Keep 'Em Coming BackMeeting deadlines is critical for any business owner, but it is also great marketing! One business owner we know sets realistic deadlines, but also adds one day in his calculations. He always delivers th...
I understand that interest rates are lower than many years ago when they were in the two digits, but here in Utah I have clients with excellent credit getting rates a little higher everytime.  I'm curious why people are saying that they are going DOWN?   I haven't noticed that.  They are still lo...
I heard incredible things about VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS.  Those are companies who help you with paperwork, budget, payroll (if needed), etc.  They are out of state and very affordable for what I heard.  Is anybody using it?  Can you refer me to a good one?I have spent most of my 10+ years in Real Esta...
Big news from Congress...and I wanted to share this with you right away!As you probably know, Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) is required anytime a loan is taken out with a "loan to value" ratio of 80% or higher...yet historically, these Mortgage Insurance premiums have never been tax deductible...
I have established an LLC long ago.  Every December I review its benefits and plan for the new year.  I was informed, however, that a PC (Personal Company) is the best way to go.  Anybody who has set up can tell me a little more about its benefits/pitfalls?  My volume is now to a point where my t...
I wonder if anybody, besides us here in Utah, have had problems with appraisals coming in so low they presentpoblems in selling? It is my understanding that the definition of appraisal is "a price a seller is willing to accept from a buyer that is willing to pay it".  I'm not saying that the pric...
My partner and close friend is thinking about attending seminars regarding real estate, so he can quit his part time job and be a full-time Realtor.  I am helping him seach some "gurus" out there, but so far, no luck.  I've attended (many years ago) Mike Ferry and Doug Yeaman.  I still respect th...
I have had terrible experiences with this new program, but some people still say it works.  I am looking for a lender who knows the ropes and can do a good job.  Clients in need I have in dozens, but nobody I've contacted actually knows all the answers.  I know it's complicated, but the need is t...
I wonder if anybody can help me decide about hiring an assistant (for the clerical work).  I work with another licensed agent in a partnership that is working great.  But business is getting to the point of being overwhelming. I still don't see the advantages of an assistant, and the idea scares ...
Someone said that the world is much smaller now.  I do believe that even language is not a major barrier nowadays.  Real Estate needs are the same throughout the globe.  All we need to do is to know how to tap in that market. Being in real estate for so long, I've created a gigantic network that ...

Nilton De Macedo

local_phone(801) 779-1595
smartphone(801) 499-2633
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My personal views about Real Estate and related issues, although my personal views might be a little unorthodox to some people.