I've been spending a lot of time thinking about social networks and social networking lately. Not so much the established sites people generally think of like ActiveRain, Linked In or Facebook. More from a personal business or corporate perspective - like a social network as a delivery platform, ...
Today is Victoria Day in Canada, a national holiday honouring Queen Victoria's birthday, and our national connection to Britain and the Royal Monarchy. Queen Victoria was in charge of things in the UK from 1837 to 1901, and was the first sovereign - though more ceremonial - head of Canada too. Af...
I recently started to do some work with a new real estate client, Marta Anderson of Del Mar Realty in Guysborough County, Nova Scotia. Now that I'm fully addicted to ActiveRain, one of the first things I talked about with Marta is how great the AR community was for meeting like-minded real estate...
On May 9, 2005 - three years ago today - Seth Godin published a post on his blog called What Every Good Marketer Knows. I didn't know who Seth Godin was at the time he wrote it. I might have recognized his face. Maybe not. It was only three years ago, but a lot has changed in that time. In May 20...
May 1st is May Day in some countries, and it's known as International Worker's Day in others. But in the vast depths of cyberspace - May 1st is now RSS Awareness Day! This isn't your typical Hallmark Holiday and you probably can't get a greeting card to mark the occasion at your local drug store....
Congratulations to ActiveRain and all its Members for reaching this impressive milestone. From the very first post on ActiveRain - Blast the Bubble - back on June 25, 2006, to passing the 25,000 Members mark on April 12, 2007... 'Rainers have known something special was going on around here from...
Google has had a busy month - do they ever not? When they're not serving up a gazillion web search queries, they're doing cool things with their other products and services. Here's a round up of notable Google news from the last few weeks, compiled from the too many Google blogs I subscribe too. ...
It's been just over a year since Google released the My Maps feature within Google Maps that allows users to easily customize, brand and take their own user-created maps to a new level and publish them on the web.At the time, I wrote a few posts on the topic - Creating Google Listing Maps: Part O...
In my last post Who Spilled the Paint? - I highlighted some of the new custom blogs on ActiveRain. The site has become rather colorful lately, and I'm not talking salty language. All this fun is due to Brad Carroll and his AR Custom Blog Builder. The AR community has been busy using this new too...
Change was in the air this weekend around the ActiveRain playground, and it had nothing to do with the hamsters going on strike. If you subscribe to Brad Carroll, you may have done a double-take when you went to his blog this weekend. Or at least checked the URL to make sure you hadn't left Activ...