Brian Papaccio's (bpapaccio) Blog

Mortgage and Lending - Wells Fargo Home Loans
While consumer groups are constantly trying to pass legislation, with the current atmosphere in our industry and the media perpetuating fear, now is when consumer legislation actually has a chance of getting passed.I recieved the following announcement from the Pennsylvania Association Of Mortgag...
Did you know, you are not the only one who needs a copy of the signed agreement of sale (AOS)?That is right, the title company needs it, the mortgage broker and lender need it, and the appraiser even needs a copy of it!If you are a real estate agent you should know why the Title Company would nee...
Public speaking is a difficult skill to master but is ESSENTIAL TO ANY KIND OF SALES.  Public speaking isn't just what you do, and how you sound in front of a group of people.  It is any interaction you have with the public in general.  Do you know what you sound like on the phone, what you sound...
The mortgage industry has been self regulating and making guidelines for SubPrime lending stricter for at least the past 6 months.  Now with the pending "implosion" of the subprime market, congress is looking at other ways to further regulate the lending practices and guidelines for "risky, highe...
For a couple years I've been blaming it on lack of sleep, not enoughsunshine, too much pressure from my job, earwax buildup, poor blood oranything else I could think of.But now I found out the real reason:I'm tired because I'm overworked.Here's why:. . The population of this country is 273 millio...
Here are some actual maintenance complaints/problems, generally known as squawks, recently submitted by QANTAS Pilots to maintenance engineers. After attending to the squawks, maintenance crews are required to log the details of the action taken to solve the pilots' squawks.Problem - Left inside ...
For the past couple years, the media, and financial forecasters have been predicting that a housing bubble would be bursting soon.  As it turns out in most areas the housing market didn't come crashing down as expected, but rather is softening up.  Most areas while still seeing home prices increa...
I went back and read through this after I was done, and it is a bit of a rant, I apologize in advance. ---------------------------------------------------------This is probably going to spark a huge debate, and I may not make many friends because of this post, but I am putting it out there any wa...
What do you have to do to get a blog post featured on the blog home page, or what do you have to do to get some more people reading and commenting on your blogs?I put plenty of good, related tage in my posts.  I Post them to several different groups I belong to.  Is there another piece I am missi...
Please don't steel any of these, and if you have some other ideas for something creative, easy to remember, and easy to promote please let me know. These are some Domain names I am considering.  Let me know what you would remember easily if you were a real estate agent who referred customers to m...

Brian Papaccio

local_phone(302) 451-4235
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