Brian Papaccio's (bpapaccio) Blog

Mortgage and Lending - Wells Fargo Home Loans
New Words          The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.  Here are this year's winners.          Each is an artificial word with only one letter ...
First Home? Read First! Our New Guide Helps You Achieve Your Homeownership Goals Put the expertise of a leading lender on your side, and see how soon you’re in a place of your own! Our comprehensive FREE guide offers must-know information, inside tips, plus step-by-step suggestions that help you ...
Having A Dream Is Good. Owning One Is Better! Our Flexible Home Financing Programs Reflect Your Personal Needs and Goals We understand there’s nobody quite like you – with your individual needs, your dreams and goals. Our special programs make home ownership simpler and more affordable, with feat...
The Basics Of Buying A Home If you know what to expect – and have a trusted team of real estate and mortgage-lending professionals guide you – finding and financing your first home can be an exciting and rewarding experience. There’s great personal satisfaction in having a home you can call your ...
Wish You Could Purchase A Home More Easily? Stop Wishing and Start Shopping with Low- and No- Down Payment Programs We understand saving up for a down payment can be an obstacle for many first-time homebuyers. We’re ready to help, with low- and no- down payment programs that put a home well withi...
Ok, here is a summary:The original blog :New Marketing Idea.... Sponsor some one else's cards had an idea to sponsor those little business card size reminders you get at the dentist, doctor, salon, etc.  negotiate with the owner to pay for the cards in exchange they put a line like "this reminder...
A new wave of junk mail and telemarketing that consumers are starting to become aware of are "Trigger Leads".  Trigger leads are leads that can be bought by lenders, mortgage brokers and others who want to solicit to consumers who are already interested in a mortgage.  Here is how it works, you w...
Ok besides the rest of this blog, what is your opinion on the title, I was debaing between this and "Love in an Elevator" you will see the connection shortly.Do you need to work on your "Elevator Pitch"?If you only have one minute to tell some one who you are, what you do, and why they should use...
 The problems in SubPrime lending are starting to take a toll on the rest of the lending world.  As fewer and fewer lenders exist to approve, underwrite, and fund loans the remaining SubPrime AND Conforming lenders have to pick up the slack.  Well this sounds great for them... at least at first.T...
Ok. I am confused is this a Real Estate Blog or a Shakespeare blog...."As concerns about subprime mortgages plague the nation's leaders and lenders, America's homeowners are confused and worried about their own mortgages, according to a recent poll commissioned by"From ...

Brian Papaccio

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