GEEPERS can it get any more complicated~!?? Look what the Attourney General of Washington State (where I live and sell RE Found out...
If you have been hesitant to look to Washington State to re-locate to for retirement or re-location becasue of our Threat of rainy weather. Well, think again~! Look what a local has to say about our neighboring city, just 1 hour south~! Seattle has a well-deserved wet and rainy reputation, perpe
FHA Approved Condos in Bellingham The Department of Housing and Urban Development recently changed the rules for condominium financing. The most significant change was the elimination of the "spot loan" approval process. The HUD used to allow condominiums that followed the FHA guidelines to be fi
There is not that one day that goes by that you need to be reminded.... Perhaps it will put a little 'skip' in your step today~! ENJOY~!
I've just got to say that I'm the luckiest Broker in the world with the best buyers Bellingham could ever have~! With the new technology of texting, instant messaging, email at the fingertips of my cell phone, even Fb I have never had more open communication with this generation of buyers. Not on
Attention REALTORS~! if you haven't taken some time to watch this safety video yet.... NOW would be a good time~!
I am even MORE CONVINCED Bellingham Wa is one of the most WONDERFUL places to live in America.... even the TODAY show agrees~! Check this out~! ...and as always MAKE it a GREAT day~! Becki
This is a 'healthy venting' blog.... One in which many many Brokers can relate~! Here I sit 'virtually' previewing literally DOZENS of homes to send out to clients. I get to see cluttered pictures of dirty dishes, dirty laundry in the laundry room with the soap still sitting on the dryer, a livi
Keeping upbeat and OPTOMISTIC in this see-saw market is a work of sheer Art~! I just have enough 'dander' in me to blurt out the most positive statement in the most bleak of Real Estate times. How come its those who when they find out you are in Real Estate, give you this sorta 'sad face' that sa
For all of us lifetime residents of the Pacific Northwest, Living anywere from Seattle to just North of the British Columbia border and everywhere inbetween, we USED to tease and like everyone to think that it rained CONSTANTLY in the Northwest. My first year in Real Estate I would recieve calls