A Virginian Remembers the Bravery of Our Soldiers on this Memorial Day
By Mike Cooper, Broker VA,WV, Your Neighborhood Real Estate Sales Pro
(Cornerstone Business Group Inc)
On this Memorial Day weekend, I would like to thank all the men and women who have defended this country from its start to the present day. It is not without great sacrifice and dedication that you have put your lives in harm's way for the promise of a peaceful return to a more simple life. Those of us who have benefited from your commitment salute you and humbly thank you for your selfless acts.One of the greatest conversations transcribed during war came at the battle of Gettysburg between Colonel Arthur Freemantle and Brigadier General Lewis A. Armistead (a notable Virginian). That conversation is played out in the movie, "Gettysburg." Armistead reveals, in this short discourse, the very heart of Virginia. But, this dialog could have played out on a hundred battle fields since t...