Bridgewater Addition, Edmond, OK - 2007 Market Summary
By Ryan Hukill - Edmond, Realtor, Team Lead
(405home @ ERA Courtyard)
The Edmond Real Estate market continues to show very significant signs of growth as we approach the middle of June, 2007. Last year, 2006, brought a significant rise in most areas of Edmond, Deer Creek and Oklahoma City and indicators are following suit in 2007. View the latest statistics here: (OKC Real Estate). CLICK HERE to see the statistics of homes sold in Bridgewater, located on the East side of Santa Fe, between 2nd & Danforth, from June 11th, 2006 through June 11th, 2007. As you can see, the Bridgewater comparison from 2006 to 2007 shows some positive signs. Although there hasn't been much growth in the area and the number of sales was slightly lower than last year, the prices-per-square-foot saw respectable increases. The overall sales prices did decline slightly, but the sa...