
Tonopah, NV Real Estate News

 After our visit to Area 51 we drove through Tonopah Nevada and I captured the Antiques in town.  We have been through Tonopah many different times but we usually just drive through. As we stopped for a break I was able to catch some photographs of items dating back many years.  Just south of Tonopah is Goldfield Nevada which is suppose to have one of the most haunted Hotels in the United States, the Goldfield Hotel.  We drove through there when it was dark and my wife didn't want to get out and help me take photographs.  So until I can photograph Goldfield, enjoy these pics from Tonopah Nevada.  Tonopah Nevada is approx 4 hours north of Las Vegas Nevada.        photographs above taken by: Robert Swetz in Tonopah Nevada - duplicating in any form is in violation of copyright infringemen...
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