Don't miss the Wine Tasting Event in Shelby Township MI this Wednesday, August 5 th from 7 pm - 9 pm at the Cherry Creek Golf and Banquet Center This event is being hosted by the Shelby Township DDA (Downtown Development Authority) and the Utica-Macomb Daybreakers Kiwanis Club. This Wine Tasting Event in Shelby Township MI will feature 100 wines and 16 micro-brews from Michigan and around the globe. Ted Moss, Sommerlier at Vince and Joe's Gourmet Market and vendor representatives will be there to answer any questions you may have about their products. There will also be Live Music and a strolling finger food buffet. So grab a few friends, family or co-workers and come join us for an Evening of Fine Wines and Specialty Suds and experience this special Wine Tasting Event in Shelby...