Houlton Maine Rotary Club's 53rd Auction A Big Success!
By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
Over $35,000 raised from the 1200 items contributed of goods, services and home made items in the Houlton Maine Rotary 53rd Radio/TV/Internet Auction. An extra $10,000 on top of that final tally above and beyond to make a dent in the new seating budget for the Houlton Maine Performing Arts Center too! In additon, more funds from the Dead River Oil 50/50 raffle and more pewter "Boy And The Boot" $1000 statues pledged for the Houlton Regional Hospital's Health Foundation. Auction figures up from last year according to chairman John Tribou...great job all Rotarians, contributors, bidders! Watch night three of the auction...slick operation that helps fund projects this year like the Little League's "Field of Dreams" project and puts a big push into the HHS new music/arts wing! Picture...