Save over $700 a month on your mortgage for the first year
By Rain Silverhawk, 208-610-0011 Sandpoint Idaho Real Estate Realtor
(Sandpoint Realty
Need a house now but higher interest rates got you down? Maybe a 2/1 buydown credit from the seller can help you. A 2-1 buydown is a type of financing that lowers the interest rate on a mortgage for the first two years before it rises to the regular, permanent rate. The rate is typically two percentage points lower during the first year and one percentage point lower in the second year.How do I get the 2/1 buydown. When its time to write an offer on a house, your agent will ask the seller to provide a credit out of the proceeds towards your buydown. This money is held in an escrow account and prepays a portion of your payment each month for the first two years giving you time to refinance when rates are lower. Save over $700 a month your first year on 246 Holmes Rd Bonners Ferry ID...