Westport, CT, 06880 Number of Sales List Price vs Sales Price
By Dagny Eason, Fairfield County CT, CDPE Homes For Sale and Condo
(Dagny's Real Estate)
Westport, CT 06880 February 2013 Number of Sales by Year and Price & List Price vs Sales Price 3 Year Comparison Real estate market data for Westport, CT provided by Dagny Eason of Dagny's Real Estate Westport, CT - Past 3 Year Sales - Number of Sales Broken Down by Price Points 2012 List Prices/Sales Price Comparison Shown Month to Month Currently in Westport... The Average sale price in January was $1,527,040 and 23 houses sold in January. There are currently 215 active listings and 46 pending in Westport. Westport Sales History In 2010, 379 sold in Westport with an average price of $1,386,168, in 2011, 379 homes sold with an average price of $1,264,304, and in 2012, 391 homes sold for an average price of $1,342,558. Westport CT Statistics Population 24,475 Median...