With the Closing of a Transaction, My Pledge's Are Honored . . . Pay It Forward
By Ed Silva, 203-206-0754, Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally
(Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 )
With the Closing of a Transaction, My Pledge's Are Honored . . . Pay It Forward Throughout my RE/MAX career, I have always been a Miracle Agent. That doesn't mean that it was a miracle if I sold a home. Being a Miracle Agent in the RE/MAX System, means that I choose to make a donation to the Miracle Home System from the proceeds of my commission. These donations are used to fund special programs at the nearest Children's hospital, which in this case is the Children's wing at Hartford Hospital. All donations are used locally, and are used wisely. All donations will have a card sent out to the person we designate. I take an equal amount and donate to the Susan G Komen Foundation. This is to fund a cure for breast cancer, which hits very close to home for me. As the Komen Foundation send n...