Palos Verdes Properties
By Mary Thomas BH,MB,HB, PV, Estates LA+, Mary C. Thomas Your Agent around the Globe
( Remax Estates Properties)
Palos Verdes properties are among the few areas that has not shown a significant drop in the market. The South Bay is also going strong. Our number of properties has dropped around 10% less inventory than last year but that is not much of a drop in sales volume.Our view properties are increasing still in some of the Palos Verdes Properties. Right now our total inventory on the Peninsula of homes for sale is 219.As you can see by the chart below the Palos Verdes Properties are increasing in value from 2006 to 2007. 2006 started out at 166400.00 and is ending this July of 2007 with a average price of $1,761,000.00.SO don't believe the bad press and recession if you own a palos verdes property.Make it a great week....