
Kingman, AZ Real Estate News

By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
I had the pleasure of visiting our Mohave Museum of History and Arts on Friday afternoon to view the new exhibit.  The museum is presenting a beautiful collection of fashion through our history. On display are the beautiful wedding gowns of our first settlers, and a series of fashions worn by both men in women from the 1800's through the 1970's.  Along with the clothing they have displayed a wonderful selection of accessories from those times. I thought I would just stop and view the new exhibit but was charmed by the display of collections and exhibits including dioramas of the Indian culture, mining and much more regarding our town and county.  Don't forget the wonderful collection of items owned by Andy Devine, our native son. The museum has a lovely giftshop featuring art from loca...
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By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
ADOT (The Arizona Department of Transportation) officially began construction to improve the final 15 miles of U.S. 93 south of the By Pass.  It is expected to be completed by late 2010 to correspond with the completion of the By Pass.  Throughout construction, access will be maintained to the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. The new bridge will span the Colorado River just below the Hoover Dam and sit 900 ft above the river. The bypass is expected to speed travel between Nevada and Arizona, cutting the travel time between Las Vegas and Phoenix to under six hours.    Information on the widening project may be found at Because of expected construction slow downs, visit  For more information on the bridge can be found at http://www.hoo...
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By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
Where are the setbacks on my Kingman AZ property?  We are asked this question all the time!  Below is a chart of the required setbacks for the R-1 Residential Single Family designation.  SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Accessory buildings and uses (garages, carports, sheds, etc.) are separate from the main structure and use on a property.  Accessory structures must be located to the rear of the front yard setback and must not be closer than four (4) feet to any alley line or rear lot line, and must not be closer to any side lot line than the required side yard. Please keep in mind that accessory buildings, in the aggregate, may not occupy over l0% of the lot area. Call 928-753-8130 for information before construction.  Setbacks Zoning Front Front-Side(Side Street) Rear Side R-1-6 20 10 15 5 R-1-8 20...
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By Chere Davis
(Realty Executives Mohave)
Do you want to learn about credit? How to get it, how to use it and how to keep it.  Come to the Realtors association on 1923 Kino Avenue, Kingman Az 86409 When? Wednesday, 2/18/09 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm RSVP to
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By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
Nancy & I visited with the representatives from the Hualapai Mountain Medical Center at the County Fair last weekend!  They tell us that they expect to accept the first patient the last quarter of 2009 and it won't be long before the local hiring of support services and staff will begin. The hospital will offer the following services: Emergency Department 24/7 Heart Services Surgery (Inpatient and Outpatient) Medical Intensive Care Cardiopulmonary/Respiratory Imaging (CT, MRI, Nuclear Medicine, X-ray) Loboratory Nutrition/Dietary Pharmacy The hospital will eventually house 106 beds with a full-service ER with 200,000 sq.ft. currently under construction.  For more information check out the hospital website:  
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By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
Mardian Ranch will go before the Planning & Zoning Commission to ask for a minor amendment to the General Plan with the hope of changing 616 acres of its planned development from retail/residential to light industrial. The planned community will include several sections of land covered by solar panels that will provide power to the community.  The new plant will also sell power to the Las Vegas, California and Phoenix markets.  Spokesman for Mardian Ranch says that 1 section could provide up to a potential of 100 megawatts of power. Although no start date is set, the company must get approval from the State Corporation Commission to proceed.
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By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
The North Star Steel Plant which has been inactive for over five years will be the new home of Nucor Steel who purchased the plant at a cost of $35,000,000 in 2003.  Nucor will produce rebar and wire rod starting in second quarter 2009.  Mayor John Salem stated that the plant would initially produce 50 high paying local jobs with more to come as production increases.  Mohave County Deputy Director of Economic Development was quoted: "that this was a big win for the county and Kingman."  Nucor is one of the largest steel producers in the US and currently employs 20,000 nationwide.  
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By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
Monday evening, City Council took its first step to lowering transportation development fees by 50% across the board. City staff is to present a plan for lowering fees fy 50% at the next Council Meeting on September 2.  Intended to provide relief to local builders and commercial interest, it will take about 7 months to implement due to procedures outlined in the Arizona Revised Statutes.  The City will be required to complete six steps to put the plan in place.
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By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
Plano, Texas based Cinemark has signed the leas on a 26,362 square-foot, eight screen all stadium-seating multiplex to be built in the Mountain View Plaza Complex off of Hualapai Mountain Road and Eastern Avenue.  Conceptual site plans are on their way to Planning and Zoning for approval. The company plans to open the theater Summer 2009.
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By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
City Council has approved the acceptance of final plans to renovate the historic Train Station downton built in 1907. It has fallen to neglect.  Plans for the project include the Amtrac Station at the West End of the Building and a Train Museum and Gift Shop at the East End. ADOT will be responsible for the lead based paint and asbestos abatement.  That project is expected to be started soon.  As soon as this project is completed bids will go out for the final rennovation.  I'll keep you updated on the progress.  It's exciting to see preservation of our historic buildings!  
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By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
The Federal Highway Authority had been considering a new access management policy that would restrict the flow of traffic at exits near arterial streets close to interstate highways.  According to John Salem, Mayor of Kingman, ADOT, Vanderbuilt Farms, & Vestar have come to an agreement with FHWA to allow right turn only ingress for the first phases of the shopping center. With this major roadblock to construction solved, Vestar project mananger, Jerry Willis said plans for the first phases of the center should be available in 7 to 10 days.  
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By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
The New York Times has called Kingman "the freshest face in the Sun Belt's growth spurt." The Times credits: The two developments approved for the area by Rhodes HOmes and Mardian Group. The four-lane bridge over the Colorado River at Hoover Dam. The fact that the area is free from natural disasters, like forest fires, horricanes, tornadoes, floods etc. Cost of living, schools, cost of land and the citys proximity to the Colorado River, Flagstaff, Las Vegas and Phoenix.  The availability of water to the area. The times also cited that the availability of land, the new shopping center planned for 3 miles north of Pravada, Rhodes Development and the fact that Fed EX and WalMart are planning distribution centers make Kingman the place to be. Kingman has a great future....don't miss the boa...
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By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
  Immaculate, Like New 1100 + Square Foot, 3 Bedroom/2 Bath home would be a great place to start a family and at this price, a wonderful investment.  Home is priced at $139,500, currently $25,000 below market value. The home features an open floor plan, large dining area, and spacious kitchen.  The .14 acre property is fenced and features easy care rock front and back.  There is also a small garden area in the rear of the property. Realty Executives, Mohave    
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By Cheryl Westwood
(Keller Williams Arizona Living Realty)
In a recent Mohave County survey comparing the local services in Bullhead, Lake Havasu City and Kingman, Kingman consistently ranked above average.  Consumers surveyed said that they were more than satisfied with their internet providers, local utilities (including gas, electrical, water and sewer) and cell phone service.  Kingman's educational system was considered above average as well as the Mohave Community College campus located there.  Public transportation, Kingman's planning and zoning department and its local government services all rated tops in the survey as well.  Additionally, the Kingman Regional Medical Facility ranked above average in Mohave County's survey and Kingman's emergency services were considered first rate, too.  Come and visit us to see why Kingman is king.
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By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
Old Town Kingman AZ Mohave County Economic Development Division recently surveyed businesses in Lake Havasu, Bullhead City and Kingman rating eight categories ranging from government and community services to education and transportation infrastructure.  Rated on a seven point scale, Kingman rated above the other cities in transportation, Government services, workforce and scored equally with the other cities on the use of technology, internet access and utility services, Chamber activity and tourism.  Kingman is a city of opportunity for business.  Located at the junction of I-40 and I-93 Kingman is a great stepping off place for business.  If you consider the rail line, airport facilities and climate, Kingman is poised to become one of the most dynamic cities in the area.   Kathleen M...
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By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
Kingman is going green!    Western Wind Energy Corporation based in Vancouver, Canada has purchased 1,128 ares and leased more than 22,000 additional acres southwest of Kingman, hoping to build "Steel Park" a wind turbine farm.  The farm is expected to produe 215 megawatts of electricity annually.  The project will cover more than 1,500 acres once completed with an expected cost of $270,000,000.  The company is expected to employ 50 electricians, engineers, mechanics and construction workers.  Zoning permits are being reviewed for beginning project construction.
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By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
  Due to the recent increase of fire danger in the Kingman area and in the interest of public safety, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Arizona State Forestry Department, and Hualapai Mountain Park will implement fire restrictions. The areas affected by the restrictions are all public lands administered by BLM's Kingman Field Office, Arizona State Trust lands and Mohave County Hualapai Mountain Park. Fire restrictions will take effect on Tuesday, July 1, 2008 at 1:00 A.M. and will continue until sufficient precipitation or other factors reduce the fire danger. The fire restrictions include the following: (1) No open fires will be allowed. This includes campfires, barbeque grills using charcoal or wood or any other use of open fires. Pressurized liquid or gas stoves, lanterns and heat...
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Last Tuesday, the Route 66 Assn met at the Old Elks Lodge to brainstorm ideas to attract new residents and new commercial development, end the squabbling in city governement and do what is necessary to revive the local Kingman Economy. Scott Dunton invited local leaders, including city officials, community watchdog groups, developers to discuss ways to accentuate the positives about living in Kingman. Scott told me on the phone and he truly beleives as we do that Kingman is the best kept secret in the West.  Kingman has a great climate, excellent location, plenty of land available, lack of natural disasters and friendly people.  The group is looking to buy ads in various parts of the country to let folks know about our great town.  They also want to improve signage for the downtown area...
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By Kathleen Murray
(Realty Executives Mohave)
WalMart will be able to sell a .072 acre parcel that sits betweens Smiths and the Super Store on Stockton Hill Road. One Councilman opposed, one obstained butthe measure was passed on the condition that WalMart and Smith's agree to work "in good faith" to allow traffic to pass between thier parking lots.  The goal is to reduce traffic in the area by giving drivers a way to pass between stores without going out on Stockton Hill Road. The property is being handled by Pew & Lake PLC.
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Despite election promises, our newly elected City Council is looking closer at the economic impact of reducing construction impact fees.  At a recent special meeting of Council, City Finance Director, Carol Lloyd's presentation convinced 5 of the seven members that reducing Impact Fees would hurt revenues. In her presentation, Ms. Lloyd presented three alternatives to raising revenue for long term development if Impact Fees were cut.  Option 1, raise sales taxes.  Option 2. Eliminate future capital projects such as Rattlesnake Wash. Option 3. initiate a city primary property tax. Newly elected Mayor Salem and newly elected Councilman Walker argued for a reduction of fees to spur economic growth, while remaining council members feared the burden of future growth would be a burden to King...
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