
Batesville, AR Real Estate News

By Missy Aaron
(Coldwell Banker Choice Realty)
GREAT Info! Jillian Michaels the Fitness Guru Can Help Us At Home You can reinvent yourself in 2010! And you don't need to go to the Biggest Loser reality show to do it. You are perfectly capable of doing this at home. Just let Jillian MIchaels the Fitness Guru be your trainer, motivator and exercise instructor.As a person who has tried low calorie diets, high fat diets, the Atkins Diet, Weight Watchers, the Southbeach diet, Calories Don't Count, low carb diets, high protein diets, the Mediterranean diet, detox diets, boosting my metabolism and Fit for Life, I guess you can say I am interested in weight loss.Along with millions of others I have been interested in the show The Biggest Loser and Jillian Michaels. She has become not only a star of this TV program but our country's foremost...
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By Missy Aaron
(Coldwell Banker Choice Realty)
Giving Thanks and Being Grateful Transforms our Lives    There's been a lot of information written on Giving Thanks and Gratitude in the last couple of years.   Most people  celebrate Thanksgiving yearly as is the custom, and of course giving thanks is always a good thing.  But, when we give thanks each and every day, we can transform our lives    Let us give thanks daily throughout the entire year.  If people wait until only one day each year, they might be so down and depressed that they might not be able to remember what they are thankful for.  I am not taking anything away from Thanksgiving, because as was already mentioned, any day a person spends giving thanks is a good day, but, let's work on giving thanks each and every single day.    Why Give Thanks or be Grateful Each Day?    ...
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By Missy Aaron
(Coldwell Banker Choice Realty)
You know, it's just a thought, but do we really say 'Thank You' enough today?  Growing up, we were taught manners such as saying 'Please, Thank You, Yes/No Ma'am, Sir'.  But have we gotten too busy for that? The reason this is on my mind is because I want to say a great big THANK YOU to a lady named Donna Pratt with Continental Airlines.  Recently my husband, Ronnie, and I were traveling back from our winter vacation when we had an unexpected delay which caused us to miss our connecting flight in Ft. Lauderdale. (OK, wasn't TOTALLY unexpected as I have never flown out of Mexico on time and without a few gate changes) After landing in Florida, we rushed through customs--no kidding, we actually walked right through with no hitches!! And made it to our next flight 15 minutes before...
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