Bob Crane has a great idea Matt Berman
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I think that most FSBO's advertise on Craigs List.
Michael Setunsky
Woodbridge, VA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Matt Berman - there are some lead providers like TheRedX, LandVoice etc. who will provide you information about For Sale By Owners.
This is on top of Zillow or some other websites that allows For Sale By Owners to post their homes for sale.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Matt Berman Bob Crane has mentioned a good resource. You may also want to do a Google search for FSBO sites.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Bird dog for them. Drive around until you find one. Got knock on their door and start a relationship.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Matt: We knbow the Carlsbad and San Diego Market very well and the best method is to NOT purchase leads. They are usually shared with lots of agents and by the time you call the lead; they will be quite edgy with all the agent calls.
There are a few FSBO web sites to obtain this information other than driving to find them.
It may depend upon the area. I can't comment on Zillow since they don't focus on our great land.
Signs and Craigslist are a good start. Limit the number you are pursuing at one time. They can suck up your time. Learn when to walk away and pursue other targets!
I would start by first understanding why some choose a DIY option. If you reach them you will need a message that resonates with their reality.
Those reasons could be:
1. The are empowered with information and resources and believe they can go it alone.
2. Some truly distrust/dislike the real estate industry. One citizen in Dunedin FL broadcasts this message via a FSBO sign in the year in excess of 3 years.
3. Some believe they can not afford to pay professional fees and what to give DIY a try.
4. They are receiving council/help from a non-professional (investor)
Ask yourself, "IF you did not have the MLS how would you market a house for sale?" Then do a walk about and observe how locals are spending their dollars to announce their DIY effort. Drop in on a few FSBOS and compliment them on their effort ans ask what is generating the most telephone calls for them.
What do I do?
Be aware, my marketing focuses on the 90 day market. I am not into nurturing but in getting those facing a decision to raise their hand.
Since my market occupies a relativity small geographic footprint, my method is direct observation. Why I prefer this method is it aligns with my marketing philosophy. As a result I can include a real image and make 'observations' that are believable and event related. I do this concurrent with my business related travel so such activity does not take time from other efforts.
Now, it would be good to understand what the FSBO homeowner is enduring. What actually happens when they put that DIY sign in the front yard? DO they get swarmed with investor and agent calls the first three days? Maybe no one calls? What is in their mailbox?
Your purpose is to NOT be part of the wolf-pack or your message will never be heard. Whether it is a FSBO or Expired, this timing will prove effective.
IN closing, consider every house without an agents smiling face in the yard is a potential DIY seller. Address the same concerns in your message and owners will raise their hand.
Good luck with that - I just write down the numbers as I'm going to and from real customer appointments
Fsbo are very interesting to work with there are a variety of things to do but just like any seller you need to build a relationship and eventually get them to work with you.
I"m trying to make some progress with FSBOs as well - I find the FSBOs just by driving around and I do a little research and send them info. No responses yet, but I just started so we shall see!
There are web sites that cater to FSBO sellers, and there's always Craigslist.
Debbie Reynolds gave a great answer - also really work on your scripts!
There are websites that cater to the by owner crowd. I suggest farming those sites.
Hi Matt Berman , it looks like you will be the pioneer on this topic! There are probably some websites that cater to FSBO listings; I think I heard of one a few months ago, but didn't take note of the name. I would also check out Craig's list and Kijiji.
The thing to keep in mind is that these owners are very dollar conscious. They think $50K, or even $25K is far too much to pay for "just" selling a house. We'll see what others in AR say (because I am a stager, not a realtor), but one reason for low response on this question could be that it's a very tough sell to FSBOs, even if they have had some problems doing things on their own. You would have to be able to sell ocean water to a polar bear to get anywhere, and I predict you'll have to sell your services piecemeal and at very low rates to get their interest. If you end up concluding this is true, the question then becomes whether you are disrespecting yourself as a professional to sell some of your services at poverty rates, and whether other parts of your business are being ignored.
Approaching FSBO could be quite refreshing and you really could "convert" someone to your excellent services. But in case it isn't that way, it may be a good investment of your time to first figure out where your limits are for what you will put into an experiment, and how you'll know when to move on.
In my area many FSBOs use Militaryowner.com. There are similar type websites for FSBOs out there. You can find them on Z too.