No but I carry a husband.
Wayne Zuhl
Cranford, NJ
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
I doubt your insurance would go down, more likely to go up.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Depends, some of our clients prohibit guns on the property.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
No. I don't own a gun and when I start feeling like I need to carry one to do my real estate job I will probably retire.
Wayne Zuhl
Cranford, NJ
I am not a fun of gun use so would never carry a gun. If I feel uncomfortable in a given location, I don't go there. I have thought of carrying mace (which our association has offered to Realtors.
Wayne Zuhl
Cranford, NJ
If I were working with an agent who showed his gun, I'd find another agent..... where the heck are you listing property?? the ghetto?? no, to the question of carrying a gun....and no one on my team carries one....If I did, I'd be shooting a few other agents!!!!
Cindy Davis
San Diego, CA
I follow the standard safety guidelines if I meet anyone alone. If I'm in a remote area, then yes, I carry. I know many Agents that do. It is best though to always follow the safety rules, and if you are uncomfortable, take a friend!
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
No, I do not pack a piece when meeting with clients.
However, when meeting folks without verified identification, I take Sasquatch, my burly security system with me.
When predators think female agents are packing weapons, that becomes a incentive to whack that agent on the head and walk away with real tools to help them in their nefarious work. This in essence increases their reward and an opportunity to more easily do away with the witness.
Big male agents don't have so much to be concerned about UNLESS they place on exhibition an opulent life style that is begging to be corrected.
Do I have weapons and know how to use them? Yes.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
No and no. But if I am alone I am prepared. I follow all the recommended safe practices (never enter a room ahead of the client, stay near the exit, have my phone on with Real Alert available for a quick touch, etc.). Plus I took a special class in extreme self-defense, designed for kids/elderly/anyone to block attacks. But my best practice is to have someone with me at all my showings and it's rare that I can't arrange that.
Marcus Rice
Richmond, VA
No. I don't own a gun and I don't want the responsibility of owning one.
You should only carry if you have trained thoroughly in the safety & handling of a firearm
Absolutely not. I don't put myself in dangerous situations. I'm not against pepper spray.
I hope it doesn't come to the time when everyone carries a gun. It's not great out their now, but it's getting to the point where, if a gun is within reach and the person has a temper, then there will be a problem.
If you do, just make sure to get the training, better safe then sorry is what I say.
In our particular market, the only reason an agent would carry a firearm would be to protect themselves from a bear. And you'd probably need something bigger than a handgun to do that!
Check with your insurance company, local realtor organization; ours require docs signed by Seller of home, etc... what a liability nightmare..!
No as I'm afraid I would shoot myself in the foot . I say if you hear a gun then find a corner because billets can't turn corners
I have not yet, but the world is so crazy now, thinking this will be needed by every REALTOR soon.
Yes. Yes. Mine is concealed and so far in public life have onle had it out once and under the same circumstances I would do it again!
The only time I carried a gun in Virginia was when I was doing VA appraisals. In today's world, it is not a bad practice if you have the training.