I know what you are saying. What is she talking about? This message can go both ways -- it can be beneficial if you are an agent or if you are a buyer/seller. What I mean by "Don't buy into them" is when you the agent is desparate for cash, you've got bills coming your way or almost up to the nec...
I think Stephen Covey said it best, in his book entitled, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," when he said in his last step to Sharpen the Saw. It is so easy to caught up into the wind & grind of things such as making appointments, attending trainings, showing a house, making and answeri...
Being in business is not easy at times. Here we are facing a recession and dealing with various issues either at home or outside the home. My main job use to be as a Juvenile Detention Officer. As a Juvenile Detention Officer, everyday you do not know what to expect. One the juvenile may be irrat...
As realtors, in order to grow our business we got to stay healthy, right? Well, here's an article I found off Black 10 Best Fitness Tips For The Summer 09-Mar-2009 ( -- These are the best fitness tips of the summer! Read the following ten tips to find out find out...
Come on, how many of us realtors get tired and almost burned out from clients calling us and questions being forward to us from other agents. Here's a breath of fresh air I got from AARP, in which, I don't think they'll mind: 1. Snack on almonds and blueberries instead of a candy bar. As they low...
We all know that for some titles and certifications can go a long way. There are alot of names and titles we agents use to describe ourselves those titles include: consultant, specialist, agent,realtor, with GRI or ABR beside our name. One title I think that is befitting or is nothing wrong to g...
According to Todd Jick, author of Change Management, he says, "Change is a response to planned/unplanned pressures and forces." So when considering the Recession for some of us, the Recession was not planned or predicted and we were not prepared for it. I get asked a lot by peers how is business,...
Many times change is made when there is a Crisis. like a REcession. But here are some barriers that cause many businesses to fall according to Todd Jick, *Lack of Committed change Leadership *Lack of Clear Goals *Lack of agreement on what needs to be changed *Strong vested interest in mainta...
Just thought I would share this, by Kathy Gurchiek is associate editor for HR News More than three-fourths of U.S. adults surveyed in February 2009 say they love what they do as much or more than before the recession, and 86 percent don't think loving what you do is less important even in the...
Here's something ideal to help Grow or just to maintain focus: Faith Family Finances Friends Fitness