RECENT BLOG POSTS This two-bedroom, two-full bath Dunwoody, Georgia Condo presented by is loaded with extras. The roommate floor plan offers walk-in ...
08/21/2008 This three-bedroom, two-bath, ranch, a Metro Atlanta, Georgia foreclosure presented by, is a great value when compared with other Duluth, Georgi...
07/27/2008 If living away from the city is important in homes, Loganville GA may have the one for you. This Loganville real estate offered by features a...
07/27/2008 This stunning three-bedroom, two and one-half bath townhouse presented by is a jewel among Lawrenceville, GA homes. The spacious ...
Credit eligible borrowers interested in the purchase of a home within the City of Atlanta may qualify for a second mortgage at up to ten percent of the purchase price that does not accrue interest nor require repayment until the home is sold, refinanced or is no longer used as their primary resid...
A number of examples appear here on this blog regarding the Georgia First Time Home Buyer program, but they all say "Up to $20,000." What exactly does that mean? Today's blog entry will try to explain some of the scenarios that may make a person eligible to obtain financing underwritten by the St...
Georgia First time home buyers, you owe it to yourselves to find out about the many programs available to you in Metro Atlanta. You can get a second mortgage that can be used for your down payment and closing costs that accrues no interest nor requires any repayment until the home is sold, refin...